why I come out ahead

wow, I'll take you up on that, I have some lavender orps from green fire and have been looking for a black roo for improvement, they haven't started laying yet but when the do you are welcome to some fertile eggs. I'll get in touch when I can get down there.
thanks again
She was unconscious and hardly breathing when we found her on the floor. I thought that she was dead at first.

that is horrible, i'm sorry for anyone to have to walk in and see their dog like that. thankfully she is alright now.

was it because of the oils or what? that's kinda what i'm asking... how exactly did the needles negatively impact your dog's health?

I think it was the oils, but I'm not 100% sure.
These roosters are not black, they're a very dark blue. If you want a black rooster, you'll have to hatch some eggs.
Let me know a few days before you're coming, then I'll stop putting eggs in the refrigerator.
That's good because Anne and I are going to an Indians game this afternoon. I'll start saving eggs for you, and I'll take those two blue roosters out of their coop tonight and put them in one of the the barn cages. That way they'll be easy to catch.
OMG I love this post... I wrote down everything I could in my chickens manual that I keep by my side as a newbie. I have a silly question though. Do you all just walk into your coops with the deep litter method? How does that work? Do you wear high boots?? How deep is your litter? I assume your human doors open out?
Deep litter can be anywhere from 2 in. to 10 in. deep...I don't know...some folks may even have it deeper. Mine usually settles into a 4-6 in. thickness and depending on the chickens, it gets kicked up deeper towards some areas than others.

I don't wear boots in mine and I often get shavings stuck in my sandals, but its all dry and smells good, so no harm, no fowl....er..foul.

My litter tends to be more deep and concentrated under the roosts where its needed most and it thins out towards the entrance door.

I do keep my feeders and waterers up on cinder blocks so as to keep them free of any kicked up shavings but they still do get the occasional pine shaving or two in them. Some folks hang their feeders and waterers to avoid this.

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