Why I Love Pine Straw!


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
Past 3 days -- constant cold rain.

3am -- Thunderstorms and torrential downpour.

3pm -- Surface is dry already after half a day of sun.



Not to mention that it's free for the raking on my property. In fact, I don't have to rake it anymore. DH found a used lawn sweeper for sale just down the road so I left dinner in the oven to stay warm while we looked at it and we ended up buying it.
What is pine straw ? and... U dOnT hAvE sNoW 😧

The fallen needles of the loblolly and longleaf pines that are so abundant in this area. People buy it in bales as landscape mulch.

I'll admit that it's not as absorbent as other things, and that it takes a long time to compost, but I think it's great litter for the run nonetheless.

I am fortunate to be just a bit south of the ice. We had 3 days of 40F rain.

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