Why is it so small?

10 point

country boy
8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
LaFayette, NY
Why is this guy so much smaller than the others it's atleast 5 weeks old. he's no more than a week younger than the others.

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You mean that little one in front? Um, are you sure about the age because he doesn't look like he could possibly be that old......right now, I've got babies that are 10 days old and look older than that chick......Do you know what breed it is?
I don't have the answer- but we have one chick that is quite a bit bigger than all the others, but supposedly it is at the most only 1 week older.... I have been wondering what the size means too!
mother o' chicks72 :

yeah if ur talkin about the tiny one then its younger, the one in the middle on the other hand...

the person we got them from said they were all hatched within a week of each other​
Are you sure its 5 weeks???? Did you sleep for a day or two and someone told you it has been five weeks????? i think thats what happened because that chick looks like 3 or 4 days old!! its very cute though!
No it's really 5 weeks unless I was in a coma for 5 weeks and no one told me.

it cant be five weeks though!!!! it looks way to young!!!! the feathers should be all in!! u should name him/her shorty!

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