Why is my chick chirping ?

The chicks look fully feathered. They are likely chirping because they are scared and cold, this is a new place so everything is scary. Be sure the pen is set up where it will be sheltered from the wind.

As others have suggested give them a low box just a little taller than they are and cut a wide opening on one side (the side that doesn't face the wind). That gives them something to huddle under so they feel a bit protected.

Are you building a larger coop for them? With a run that provides at least 10sq feet of space per bird?
Get a box big enough for them and few days later cut few holds so they can get out the large area and go inside a night. You can also use the some type of the temperature gauge to see what temperature at night. I am using the BBQ temp and work just fine. The chick 1 day -1 week old can handle 80-90F, 2-3 weeks old 75-85F, and 3-4 weeks 70-80F. If you have more than 8 chicks the temperature can be little lower. The chirping more likely mean too cold or not sure where to go sleep.

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