Why is my duckling wobbling?


Aug 14, 2016
About a month ago our ducklings hatched and until this point they all looked pretty healthy and lively. However since a week ago, I noticed this one duckling looking slightly smaller than the rest and more lethargic. She still eats as far as I can tell, haven't seen her drink in front of me though. I'm more of a chick person, so I'm not sure what to watch out for. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks in advance.

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I'm afraid she looks sick.

She needs to be brought into an area that's, warm (Most sick birds can't maintain heat), and that's quiet, to reduce any stress. Lay some towels down in the kennel for her so you can monitor her feces more easily, I would also weigh her really quick on a food scale, and do this twice daily to see how much she's gaining (If at all). If you have a poultry vitamin/electrolyte on hand, I'd give her a few drops of that along her bill, and in her water, or you can drip a few drops of some Gatorade or Pedialyte.

Give her some time to rest, and we'll go from there. And next time she poops make sure to post a photo.
Okay, I've isolated her, much to her dismay. She has not stopped yelling loudly for the other ducklings. I weighed her and she's about 210 grams. Picture of poop is also posted. I will be preparing a cocktail shortly.


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Okay, I've isolated her, much to her dismay. She has not stopped yelling loudly for the other ducklings. I weighed her and she's about 210 grams. Picture of poop is also posted. I will be preparing a cocktail shortly.

I’m new to ducks, but all my ducklings has really watery poop until much older. Even now they aren’t that solid. Hopefully an experienced duckster will know more.

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