Why is my hen crowing?


Oct 23, 2015
I have a 2.5 year old Barnevelder hen that has started crowing! She is definitely a hen, and had been laying lovely dark speckled eggs for about two years. Recently I have not had any eggs from her, but I figured that she was not laying in the coop as they are free-range. Also, we have recently lost our rooster. She was his favourite. Is all of this related? Has anyone else experienced this? It's very strange!
Probably because the rooster is gone. Sometimes, when that happens, the dominant hen will step up to the plate and take over some of the roosters duties. You might even catch her mounting the other hens. I've never seen it in my own flock, but I always have roosters...
Mounting the other hens?! How bizarre! I will keep an eye out, ha. I have got a young male who is about three months old; it will be interesting to see what happens when he comes of age. Thanks for your reply :)
howfunkyisurchicken ia 100% correct! I had 2 Orpingtons, 3 Wyndottes & 1 EE pullets. When they were about 16wks old, we'd hear a possible crow coming from the coop. Thought I had a Roo mixed in, called the breeder & learned there are times dominate Hens do crow
I had to figure out which one was crowing as I could not have that here. It turned out to be one of the Orpingtons but I had to rehome both being that they were "bonded". Yup, we're not safe from crowing even with Hens.
If it's a young bird like 16 weeks then really it's going to be a rooster no matter what the guy who sold it to you says lol. That's pretty much spot on the age young roosters start crowing

Older birds, and we are talking hens not pullets, however then yes the hen can start to crow. It's pretty cool really. See a need, fill a need and all that
If it's a young bird like 16 weeks then really it's going to be a rooster no matter what the guy who sold it to you says lol. That's pretty much spot on the age young roosters start crowing

Older birds, and we are talking hens not pullets, however then yes the hen can start to crow. It's pretty cool really. See a need, fill a need and all that

I may have been wrong on the age but I found it really interesting that Hens can/will crow! Thought I was "safe" from crowing with pullets/hens...Ha ha. I now have 2 RIRs & 2EEs, all should be pullets (14wks), one seeming to be the "leader" & hoping she don't start crowing. The pecking order is being tested more lately than earlier, they are my stress relief. They were about 8 - 10wks in the picture.

It's aging hormones....Not funny for women that 'suffer' with this problem

I doubt that there are specific hormones that cause us to age but that aging is the absence of, or rather the presents of insufficient amounts of hormones in a hens' body that if present in sufficient amounts keeps hens from crowing.

PS: Don't show my posts to my wife, OK? I don't want to have to buy a Guinea pig to taste my food.

PPS: I envy you. After undergoing chemo therapy for prostrate cancer my facial hair got up and left me.
I have a 2.5 year old Barnevelder hen that has started crowing!  She is definitely a hen, and had been laying lovely dark speckled eggs for about two years.  Recently I have not had any eggs from her, but I figured that she was not laying in the coop as they are free-range.  Also, we have recently lost our rooster.  She was his favourite.  Is all of this related?  Has anyone else experienced this? It's very strange! 
She is probably trying to call or locate the rooster, usually the roosters favorite hen is near the bottom of the pecking order and uses the rooster for protection.

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