Why is our hen being randomly aggressive towards us?

She has always been slightly smaller because she had a severe infection when she was 2 months old and it took her a long time to rebound.
Well, she is definitely a she - there's that at least
How have you and the kids interacted with her prior to this? Is/was she one that was always being picked up and handled and packed about, etc?
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I have a RIR hen that was often aggressive with me. She didn't attack in the way you described, but she would rush toward me and peck my leg, especially when I turned around. She stopped doing this when I reminded her that I am dominant over her. A couple of times a week, I would put my hand on her back and gently hold her down in a squatting position, like the crouching position hens assume for roosters (and for people who reach down to pet them). She occasionally needs a re-teach, but for the most part the aggressive behavior stopped.

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