Why is selling these chicks so hard - what would you do?

There's nothing wrong with being soft hearted.
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I have to say it is ME that gets upset when momma hen decides she doesn't want her chicks around any more. They still look so small and vulnerable and she just wants to rejoin the crowd!

Well, I don't really think that they are human-minded, necessarily, but she was definitely upset when I took the chicks from her. She took the three remaining chicks & crouched in the corner of the coop & was just softly clucking. I'm sure she would have forgotten, but ...

I got to thinking on the way to work Saturday (you can do a lot of thinking & praying on a thirty minute commute) & remembered that the lady's son was quite a little terrorist (in the kid-sense of the word) and decided that, combined with the fact that my husband said he was surprised I was selling them (you'd have to know my hubby -- an unbelievable statement) and that Ginger was so upset when I took them, I DIDN'T SELL THE CHICKS!

I just called my husband, and told him to release the chicks back to Ginger & I let the lady know that the deal was off & told her why. No biggie & life goes on!
LOL! Bless your heart. It happens to all of us I think. I have a pair of 12 week old mottled bantam cochins that I've been trying to sell because I don't have a separate pen for them. They're much smaller than my 12 week old BCM. They're more shy and I have to oversee them to make sure that they get to eat and drink, but my little cochin pullet, oh my goodness...she's so sweet! I've named her Lotus and just about changed my mind. My DH won't build me a new pen for the two cochins, so this morning I was dreaming of bringing them back into the house...well maybe not the boy cause he's crowing already...Ok, I'm thinking about bringing in my Lotus and making her a house chicken! Well except for my weiney dogs...ok, maybe I can bring her to the office and she can be my office chicken! Argh!
They would be much better off you see if I were to sell the pair, but it is truly hard. Even when you don't have the space for them, it's hard. I still haven't made up my mind about what I'm going to do.

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