Why Organic?

What is corn salad seed?
NO I DO NOT GROW ANYTHING made by Monsanto, all my vegetables and flower seeds are organic/heirloom seeds from Baker Creek Seed company.

so do you use any plastics, including polystyrene, and synthetic fibers (check the close you were, the carpet in your house and car) , theirs Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (check you car you will find a bunch there if it is a newer car), NutraSweet, vanillin, aspirin, non-organic cotton and later rubber. They all have ties to Monsanto.


Even though I'm not so worried about what things are made of that I do not intend to eat, I do however try to avoid anything with questionable product ethics, I make my own soaps from goats milk, also shampoo's conditions, I use cast iron cookware, don't much need to eat teflon either. I use natural oils like coconut, olive, or rendered fat from my home grown or wild animals. I own a 1990 GMC truck 2500, I have lanterns but no LED flashlights and such. and the bulbs in my truck are old school, as far as I know. I buy alot of hemp clothing if and when I find it, also like natural cotton, but as far as monsanto goes they are almost impossible to avoid seeing as how they have cornered so much of todays market with their greed and need to control or eliminate every single market...........Kim
I have a question, should an organic farmer be able to start organic gardening in the middle of corporate farm ground that has been commercially farmed for centuries and then cry fowl.
The very fact that GMO firms HAVE pursued cases in which their pollen blew onto an adjacent farmer's field is enough reason for me to want to get it in writing, FROM THE COURTS, rather than take Monsanto's word for it. I don't think the "opposing groups" are going to the effort of filing and pursuing a lawsuit, which could be very damaging to their cause if they lose, just for grandstanding.

Not only that but it seems that any adjacent farmer whose crop is contaminated by Monsanto's GMO pollen should be able to sue Monsanto for contamination of their crops, instead of the other way around.

The fact that the GMO agribusinesses may even have a leg to stand on in the courts suing farmers whose crops got contaminated by fugitive pollen from the GMO fields is so contrary to common sense that it makes me furious. If the GMO agribusiness companies don't want others' crops to get pollinated by the GMO pollen, shouldn't THEY be the ones making the effort to prevent the spread of the pollen?

The very fact that GMO firms HAVE pursued cases in which their pollen blew onto an adjacent farmer's field is enough reason for me to want to get it in writing, FROM THE COURTS, rather than take Monsanto's word for it. I don't think the "opposing groups" are going to the effort of filing and pursuing a lawsuit, which could be very damaging to their cause if they lose, just for grandstanding.

Not only that but it seems that any adjacent farmer whose crop is contaminated by Monsanto's GMO pollen should be able to sue Monsanto for contamination of their crops, instead of the other way around.

The fact that the GMO agribusinesses may even have a leg to stand on in the courts suing farmers whose crops got contaminated by fugitive pollen from the GMO fields is so contrary to common sense that it makes me furious. If the GMO agribusiness companies don't want others' crops to get pollinated by the GMO pollen, shouldn't THEY be the ones making the effort to prevent the spread of the pollen?


Commercial farming, in the form against which organic farming rebels, is less than a century old. "Centuries ago" there was only organic, because technology did not yet offer an alternative.


Not to get personal but do you use deodorant or perfume? if so you are supporting Monsanto, drink alcohol? supporting Monsanto, Go to Disneyland or Disney World? supporting Monsanto, Use certain pharmaceutical? supporting Monsanto, they have their finger in alot of stuff. They put caffeine in Coca Cola for crying out loud I think the more one researches about what Monsanto has done or are doing it would be very hard to say they honestly do not support them.
so do you use any plastics, including polystyrene, and synthetic fibers (check the close you were, the carpet in your house and car) , theirs Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (check you car you will find a bunch there if it is a newer car), NutraSweet, vanillin, aspirin, non-organic cotton and later rubber. They all have ties to Monsanto.


Even though I'm not so worried about what things are made of that I do not intend to eat, I do however try to avoid anything with questionable product ethics, I make my own soaps from goats milk, also shampoo's conditions, I use cast iron cookware, don't much need to eat teflon either. I use natural oils like coconut, olive, or rendered fat from my home grown or wild animals. I own a 1990 GMC truck 2500, I have lanterns but no LED flashlights and such. and the bulbs in my truck are old school, as far as I know. I buy alot of hemp clothing if and when I find it, also like natural cotton, but as far as monsanto goes they are almost impossible to avoid seeing as how they have cornered so much of todays market with their greed and need to control or eliminate every single market...........Kim
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It was a metaphore.

Commercial farming, in the form against which organic farming rebels, is less than a century old. "Centuries ago" there was only organic, because technology did not yet offer an alternative.


Even though I'm not so worried about what things are made of that I do not intend to eat, I do however try to avoid anything with questionable product ethics, I make my own soaps from goats milk, also shampoo's conditions, I use cast iron cookware, don't much need to eat teflon either. I use natural oils like coconut, olive, or rendered fat from my home grown or wild animals. I own a 1990 GMC truck 2500, I have lanterns but no LED flashlights and such. and the bulbs in my truck are old school, as far as I know. I buy alot of hemp clothing if and when I find it, also like natural cotton, but as far as monsanto goes they are almost impossible to avoid seeing as how they have cornered so much of todays market with their greed and need to control or eliminate every single market...........Kim

NO Chcickened We do not drink, I use all natural herbal deodorant no perfume it makes me sneeze, We can not afford to go to Disneyland, never go to the Dr.s so no pharmaceuticals, We don't even use aspirin we use Willowbark, and Devils claw, since we have went mostly organic no one here has been sick, my sons allergies and asthma have all but disappeared, and until this last year when my grandson brought us the Flu we have not even had that here in 9 years, None of us has had even a cold. Funny how that all came about when we stopped eating crap from the store, except on occasion like birthdays or holidays where we share with people who don't eat like we try to do. Mostly family who think were crazy for not enjoying the goodies from Walmart Like chips and boxed junk, Mc&Cheese ext. Soda, alcohol.
Now my sisters kids eat all this garbage and are sick at least once a month with something, they have allergies to milk, peanuts, grass, cats, dogs, molds you name it.
Every time I see her 3 year old his nose is running to his knee's. They live on a nice big dairy that milks 1200 head of Holsteins, there a big Monsanto supporting family, grow there crap in the fields right next to their house. Wonder why her kids are always sick?? I say that's why, her oldest wasn't always sick before she married Mike the farmer. When she lived at home and ate better food. So These are just some of the reasons I believe as I do, if I could completely cut Monsanto and the other crap pushers out of my life, I certainly would do so, but as I stated before it's almost impossible because they have their fingers in everyones pie. Kim
Well Kim I am glad it is working out for you fine folks. Were you and your family sick all the time before you went organic or did someone turn you all onto it?

NO Chcickened We do not drink, I use all natural herbal deodorant no perfume it makes me sneeze, We can not afford to go to Disneyland, never go to the Dr.s so no pharmaceuticals, We don't even use aspirin we use Willowbark, and Devils claw, since we have went mostly organic no one here has been sick, my sons allergies and asthma have all but disappeared, and until this last year when my grandson brought us the Flu we have not even had that here in 9 years, None of us has had even a cold. Funny how that all came about when we stopped eating crap from the store, except on occasion like birthdays or holidays where we share with people who don't eat like we try to do. Mostly family who think were crazy for not enjoying the goodies from Walmart Like chips and boxed junk, Mc&Cheese ext. Soda, alcohol.
Now my sisters kids eat all this garbage and are sick at least once a month with something, they have allergies to milk, peanuts, grass, cats, dogs, molds you name it.
Every time I see her 3 year old his nose is running to his knee's. They live on a nice big dairy that milks 1200 head of Holsteins, there a big Monsanto supporting family, grow there crap in the fields right next to their house. Wonder why her kids are always sick?? I say that's why, her oldest wasn't always sick before she married Mike the farmer. When she lived at home and ate better food. So These are just some of the reasons I believe as I do, if I could completely cut Monsanto and the other crap pushers out of my life, I certainly would do so, but as I stated before it's almost impossible because they have their fingers in everyones pie. Kim

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