Why Orpingtons?


Dang, I thought the picture went lower than that... Well, just imagine a healthy female tush.
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Yogiman- those are really interesting results. Were all your eggs shipped?

What kind of hen did you have that could fit 8 eggs?

Do the other-than-buff Orps have the great personalities? How are they as far as egg laying? And why does nobody have the white ones?
I shipped him eggs from Wa to LA and he got a 100% hatch rate with mine. I was so excited to here that
He probably more excited than me LOL.
I think me blues and blacks have just as good of a personality as the buffs. As far as whites some hatcheries carry them, but sometimes they send you white rocks. The yellow legs are a dead give a way. There are only two breeders I know of in the US that have excellent (show quality) stock and have very long wait list. Sandhill has them, but I have heard bad things about there stock this year. A lady here in Wa is on their wait list for the whites so when she gets them I might get to see the quality first hand.
I shipped him eggs from Wa to LA and he got a 100% hatch rate with mine. I was so excited to here that
He probably more excited than me LOL.
I think me blues and blacks have just as good of a personality as the buffs. As far as whites some hatcheries carry them, but sometimes they send you white rocks. The yellow legs are a dead give a way. There are only two breeders I know of in the US that have excellent (show quality) stock and have very long wait list. Sandhill has them, but I have heard bad things about there stock this year. A lady here in Wa is on their wait list for the whites so when she gets them I might get to see the quality first hand.

I have two white orp pullets and really like them. They were given to me by a friend who hatched them. I'll have to ask her where she got her eggs from.

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