Why Orpingtons?

I have 8 pullets and 3 cockerels. Buffs
As for the whites. I have been doing my shopping and research, because I want those very badly..
There is a lady on Ebay who sell them sometimes. But she only puts 6 eggs out at a time.
As for that Lavender Orp,
I want some!!!!!!!!!!!
As KrofusKluckers/Christina pointed out, she shipped me 12 eggs for my broody hen/s. I had 3 broodies; 2 buff oprs and 1 black Australorp. I also received 12 eggs from Jimmy47/Jim Cox in WV at the same time. I placed 8 eggs under each hen even though they could have handled 12 eggs with no problem. These are some pics of the results:

3 Splash Chicks of 12 total from Krofus Kluckers: Wow!

3 Blue Chicks of 12 total from Krofus Kluckers

3 of 7 Black/Blue chicks from Jimmy47/JimCox

Some Splash Chicks from Gordie
I know I'm going to embarrass myself by asking this but I'm asking anyway...

(Gorgeous pics of your new chicks...btw.)

Question: They look like they have colored zip ties on for banding. Do you have to cut these off and replace with bigger ones as they grow or are they adjustable in some way? I'm new to chickens as of last year and haven't banded any but want to when my 2nd coop gets up and running and I add more chickens. The colored zips look like a good option.
Thanks in advance.
Yogiman, are those Orps in the bottom picture splash or blue? Their heads look a little dark to me to be splash, but I could be wrong.

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