Why Orpingtons?

I am new here and to chickens. I'v decided that I wanted to add Orpingtons to our family first. Well I really want Orpingtons now!!!!!! Sounds like alot of you have them waiting to hatch. If anyone wants to sell a newbie their first couple of chicks I am willing to give them a great home
Funny how a thread can take off isn't it?

I thought I'd post a picture of one of my little girls near the pond. I am used to feisty wyandottes, and it's striking how calm and gentle orpingtons are. I have 3 and love them!
I love them because they are sooooo sweet tempered.. When we bought a bunch of different breed chicks the O's stood out. They seemed to need our attention, follow us around and rest in our laps more than any of the others. They enjoyed our company. My one hen Goldy always seems to know when I need her company too.he does her funny run over to me, looks up with that cute golden face and Burk,Burk ...she melts my heart.
Hi, I have 4 Orpington Hens and a Partridge Cockrell, my hens are one of each Blue, Black, Partridge and Buff. We originally got them as pets for my son but I have rather taken them over, they make me laugh and are great company after a hard day at work. The Cockrell Charlie stands about 20 inches high and is too heavy to pick up, the girls when not broody are good layers and presented me with their first eggs on Christmas Day 07. I do have some spare Partride cockerel chicks about 12 weeks old if anyone in my area would like one, subject to vetting of course.
I don't think I could have another breed after this, they are just perfect.
Ok ok ok ok ok! After 12 pages of why orpingtons, I bought six buff day olds at the swap meet today. So now I can find out for myself, "Why Orpingtons".
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