Why won't my chickens go on roosting pole?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
Hi, we have 8 chickens, all winter long we had a heat lamp in there and they were going on roosting pole every night , well we turned off heat lamp the other night and now every night they are back to where they were in the summer/fall last year which is right by the door we use to get into coop and all on top of one another... how can we fix this ?
Chickens, at times, aren't very good a change. I have had a similar issue before. They have gotten used to being able to see "after dark" because the light has been on so they taketheir time going to bed. Kind of like kids with the TV on.

For a couple of nights try putting the heat lamp on just before dusk and let them get on the roost. Then once they are tucked in, turn the lamp off.

Do that for a couple of days then just leave the lamp off completely.

Worked for me. Hope it works for your girls.
Chickens, at times, aren't very good a change. I have had a similar issue before. They have gotten used to being able to see "after dark" because the light has been on so they taketheir time going to bed. Kind of like kids with the TV on.

For a couple of nights try putting the heat lamp on just before dusk and let them get on the roost. Then once they are tucked in, turn the lamp off.

Do that for a couple of days then just leave the lamp off completely.

Worked for me. Hope it works for your girls.

Do they really need the heat lamp? Have you tried just a regular light bulb run early in the morning (before sunrise) instead of a heat lamp for supplemental light? If you can, always extend the artificial daylight into the early part of the day, not after sundown. The idea is to give them the additional hours of light for optimal laying, but to have them go to bed with the natural sundown year around.
Thanks! I will have to try that, we already put away all the extension cords but maybe tomorrow Ill put a flashlight out there just at dusk see if that helps the ladies, they are so silly all sleeping on top of one another.. can't be good for them

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