Why won't my chickens lay!?!?!?!?!


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
Southeast Texas
I've had three had three barred rock chickens since they were little, and two weeks ago I bought 5 more chickens and ever since I haven't gotten one egg from any of them and all of them were good layers.
Several things to consider:
1.) How old are your original chickens? Heavy layers tend to stop laying consistently when they are about 3 years old.
2.) Are your birds molting? Birds who are molting are devoting their energy and protein to forming new feathers and have nothing left over to devote to laying eggs.
3.) Are your birds ill or suffering from parasites? Illness and parasites can prevent a hen from laying for the same reason as molting--all of their energy is devoted to staying healthy and there is nothing left for eggs.
4.) Have your birds gone through a recent shock or change of environment? If your hens are moved to a new location or otherwise experience a drastic change to their living conditions, it may put them off laying for a week or two.
5.) Are your birds reacting to shorter daytime hours? Chickens tend to lay fewer eggs when the days get shorter in winter. Supplementing their coop with a light on a timer can help them pick up the pace.

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