Why Won't My Hen Lay Any Eggs?

Mar 29, 2023
I have a problem. I'm trying to get eggs from certain hens to hatch for a project, and this hen in particular won't lay. The only other chicken that I have that doesn't lay is an almost-8 hen who's never laid. The hen that I'm trying to get to lay is called Clementine, and she's a Russian Orloff I got from the store, and she doesn't have fluffy cheeks.

I put her along with two other hens in a pen larger than their coop and run combined, but I free range my chickens. The other two had laid a total of 7 eggs in the pen, so I removed them, and kept Clementine their along with a rooster. She hasn't laid a single egg, even with the other two hens as company.

I don't know how to get her to lay. I give her sunflower seeds, meal worms, oyster shells and the regular food that I feed my whole flock. I also refill her water daily.

Any suggestions?
she's a Russian Orloff I got from the store, and she doesn't have fluffy cheeks.
Is she though.. if her features don't match.. she may be speckled Sussex or other similar feather patterned breed. Stores get the label wrong and hatchery mix ups happen ALL the time. Bearding is dominant and should be present if breed is accurate. What color are her legs? Got pics?

Orloff if she is, are only said to lay 100 eggs per year. I agree with the first poster, patience and maybe back off the treats.

I have a speckled sussex, too, and my russian orloff has less white, redder feathers, yellow legs and a shorter comb. They aren't that similar. Also, I have pictures somewhere... I look into trying to get one.
Check her vent. If it is soft, moist, and pink like the other two that are laying them she is laying or ready to soon. If the vent is dry and tight she is not laying.

I don't know of any way to force a hen to lay eggs. If the others with her are laying then the conditions should be OK, it is just the hen.

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