Why would my male golden pheasant be crouching in the back of the cage vs sitting on his perch tonight?


Feb 28, 2018
I am probably worried over nothing, but I have never seen him not go up to his perch in the evening ... then I scoop him up and lock him inside the building in the pen.
He is in with a female and 2 mandarin ducks. They usually have a routine. The ducks go in the house to their cubby on their own... the pheasants usually are side by side on the perch in the evening. Tonight, the female went in without him and he was sitting in the back of the pen hiding in an oak branch. When I tried to grab him, he realized it was time to go in and started heading up the ramp on his own.
Usually, I just scoop them off of the perch and guide them into the little building to be double secured during the night...

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