Why would someone do this???


12 Years
Jan 18, 2008
Got up to let everyone out and see the barn door standing open. I check on the boys, because if they get up early, they go see everyone. They're 8 and 10 and sound asleep.

Everything is deathly quiet. I go through my checklist of last night, and definitely know I locked everyone up. I call and call, nothing. Not even the geese. I see some white feathers up by the barn, but no bodies. I look inside, and see nothing. No bodies, no birds. Then, up in the rafters, I see Petunia, my baby for over a year. Then, I see the young guinea there, too. I am still confused...where could everyone be?

I walk around the barn, and find guinea feathers...lots of guinea feathers. No body. Weird. More white feathers, a lot more. Then, I find my black Andalusian pullet, dead, wedged into a corner without a mark on her. It almost looks like she died of fright. She's stiff, so it's been a few hours since this happened.

I start walking towards the road, hoping I see something. Where could the geese be?? They should have been the first bodies I found. At the road, DH yells for me. He's found a pile of feathers by the front door. I go back, and it's Dierk. The chicken love of my life. No body, just all of his feathers in a pile, next to one of the Barred Rock's feather pile.

At this point I am just wandering around in shock. Why would someone open the barn to kill my chickens? Who would have done it? WHY???

My oldest son comes out and cries when I tell him what happened. This is the second time this year. But this, a human had to open the door. No animal could do it, not even a raccoon.

We head into the woods to look, and out of nowhere, my RIR, Rudy comes running towards us. I yell for her, and we hear the geese. They had gone into the creek with 2 white rock roos. We grab everyone up and head back to the barn. No one wants to go in, they want to stay with me, but I make them go in.

I am at a loss as to what happened to the 14 nine week old chickens are. I have still only found 1 body, so I am missing 8 almost grown chickens, 14 babies, and a guinea.

Maybe they are in the woods...maybe someone stole them...all I know is that I will be spending my day wandering the woods looking and hoping I find some more survivors. I will also get the padlock on the door, but if they want in, they can snap it easily. Anyone can get in if they really want to.

I am debating whether or not to replace. This is just about too much.

OMGosh, that is horrible...I can't even imagine!
I sure hope you find more of your chicken-kids.

I've heard of other people putting up cameras (a wildlife camera? it has a motion sensor I think...). If this is the 2nd time, I would definitely look into that...
Omg! I hope you can find them.
Do you have any teenagers around that like to mess around? (I'm a teen but i would never do that but i know kids that would.) I hope the rest are all ok and in good condition good luck
That is DISGUSTING. Why do people feel they have the right to do that crap? People are so effed up. I am paranoid as all get out about that. I bought a pack of 4 padlocks that share the same key and they're going on every door of my coop.

I'm so sorry for your losses and I hope you find the others
People suck.
Sheesh, That is terrible. Brought tears to my eyes, I hope you find them. As for the perps, What goes around comes around, Karma is a beautiful thing. Good Luck. Donna
Hi, I haven't had any horrible thing happen such as this..but I have had unexplained open doors gates, well I've got a good idea how ....Anyway, what I've done is get some springs the foot - foot 1/2 long ones and put them on doors that I want kept closed. What that does for me is ensures they return to the closed position at the very least..if not locked. Sorry for your very bad experience.

Unfortunately, my next door neighbors have teenagers that are not so nice. In the morning, I would open the door and everyone would fly out and greet me, then we would make our way down to the house. It was a huge procession. Kind of our morning ritual.

I did find my barred rock roo in the front flower bed. He has a hole near the base of his tail, so he is a house chicken for now!
I would think there were the people and at least 2 dogs. Since one trail of feathers goes around the back of the barn, and the other goes around the house.

Thanks for the support. DH really could care less.


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