
Thank y'all so much! The temp inside the coop is about the same, but not as breezy. We are going to make a better ramp today and I will coax them with mealworms.
My main concern is that the 2 older ones will start laying soon and I don't want them laying all over the place. I did add fake eggs to the boxes too. Anyway, thanks everyone:)
Honestly, just put them in. Every. single. night. until they get it. A pullet will go up that ramp--in fact, they probably will just fly up there and not touch the ramp. They'll get it if you are persistent.
Mine dont even use a ramp anymore. They just fly/hop right in. We had to put them inside every single night for about 2 weeks. They were kind of dumb when they were little. lol
Once the second batch went ion the coop, we actually lost several of them because they wouldnt go inside. They got too cold & died. :(
We lost 7 RIR's that winter.....UGH
The rest finally figured it out.
We made them a new ramp today just in case. I put mealworms on it and they did climb it. I will add a small light inside and some treats.

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