Wide roost made from a 2x4

We have all large breeds and so far we have had no problems with their feet and toes. The 2x3 is wide enough for them to cover their toes with their feathers while they sleep. But a 2x4 is just as easy to install as a 2x3.
I once measured the foot of my blue Orpington rooster, Suede. From tip of the middle toe to the end of his back toe, his foot is exactly 5" long. So, he has a roost shelf he and his women roost on.
Folks should pay attention to the size of the feet of their flock, in general, and put in roosts accordingly. 2x4s are great as are the super rounded 2x4's from the heavy pallets.

See the top 4 bars on this roost ladder in my main coop? They came from one of those heavy pallets.


Here is the BBS Orp roost shelf for the big ones:

Thanks all for your advice! I decided to change the roost today. I do have a loft already in the coop which three of my four hens use at night but my Barred Rock prefers to roost. I removed the 2x2 and put in 6" wide board for her and she seems to be a lot more comfortable.

Beulah looks comfy!

Lots of room for her feet.

The other three cuddle together in the loft at night.

Gussie perching on the door opening and Beulah using her new roost.

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