Wierd Light Brahma Rooster


Sep 24, 2009
East TN
i have a light brahma roo he is 14 months old and isnt crowing mounting the hens or anything his comb isnt big either.......what should i do
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well i know for sure hes a roo and i know the heavier breeds take longer to mature but exactly how long.... ill get a picture as soon as i can
well i have more than one roo in the pen with him do you think the pecking order would have any affect on him? i could take the dominant ones out.. does a light brahma breeder have any input?
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More than one rooster in a pen/coop can affect the pecking order. Most common is to have one dominate rooster and the rest of the roos fall into rank. Leaving the lowest rank roo to act most docile and have to sneak to top a hen.
i have for roos in that coop at the moment an giant black/buff orpington mix, a GLW buff orp cross and him and then a EE roo the two youngest ones just stay out of the way he is my pet hes not mean at all i just dont understand why his comb isnt getting bigger and hes not crowing.... i mean the hens are 2yrs and hes a little over 1 but idk if i should put him in with hen by himself or not idk if he knows what to do
I'm along with everyone else....a pic might help. If you have other roosters that are much larger and more dominate that him....they might be harassing/scaring him, or not letting him eat. Stress and/or lack of food/water (nutrition) can sometimes stunt the grown to a great deal, but for him to be 14 months and not showing that he is a rooster....are you sure he is a he?.....try separating him with a few hens he can call his own and you should see a huge difference.

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