Wife's Christmas Present (New Coop)

Congratiulations, You really Build a great and very perfect coop.
what breed of chicken is that?

beautiful coop, neat idea to have the ramp underneath, but do you think it might be a problem with shavings falling out?
or will you not have bedding on the floor?

seriously though, nice job!
That chicken is a black star. She talks alot to me. I have been out there working for a month and she comes up and hangs out at the saw horses. Never thought a chicken could have so much personality.

We will have bedding. I am sure I will have to go back and attach a 1x4 to keep the shavings in place. I want the shavings deeper than the 2x2 will hold.

Thanks for the kudos.

I will be sure to post up pictures 100% complete (and dirty).
I will be putting the hoist system in tomorrow. It will be raised and lowered via a cable from the outside side of the coop. They should be very secure.

It's like "Swiss Family Orpington."
Great coop!

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