Wild bird food for hens


7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
I'm very new with raising backyard hens. Is it safe to give them wild bird seed as a treat? I've read that the sunflower seeds are good, but what about millet?
I use a wild bird seed that contains mostly millet and black sunflower seed in my grain mix. I mix it with oats, corn, and wheat. My flock also free ranges, and gets some greens and meat.
20 lb Wild Bird Food $6.99 at Ollie's. That's the same price as the chicken food at Tractor Supply. It's 100% natural and it's what my chickens want.
Chickens know what is best for them. I put wild food, Dunmore layer pellets & starter/grower in the same trough. The layers eat the layer pellets & wild food. The pullets eat the starter/grower, layer & wild. The chicks eat starter/grower & wild, the wild has chunks of corn big enough to choke a chick but they don't try to eat it. The chicks also eat sand & the bigger ones eat the crushed granite.

Of course they like the whole grains in the bird seed. It is more like what they would find in nature. However with growing chicks you want them to eat food with at 18%+ protein in it. By adding the bird seed 10% and layer, that is probably 16%you are lowering that level. While the chicks aren't eating the pellets yet, they are most likely eating the fine broken bits from the layer raising the ,calcium level, which can hurt the kidneys. The pullets who most likely are eating the pellets, also don't need the calcium till they are laying. Save the bird seed for a treat and just feed the starter/grower with a calcium supplement on the side till they are all laying.
You can definitely use bird seed, as an addition to their diet...

I actually use millet in significant amounts, but I get it by the bushel (@60 lbs) for about $8/ bushel... Compared to paying $12 for 10 lbs... Grain mill can be your best friend, and your checkbooks ;)

I also use corn, alfalfa pellets, BOSS(sunflower seeds) wheat, molasses, and sometimes can find flaxseed and other goodies when seed prices wane.

Millet is 10% protien, but great calcium. It's a great source of omega 3s and they love it.

If you buy fresh seed from a mill, you can save over 50% of feed costs, AND get actual fresh grain, not stale pellets that have been sitting in a granary for a year first ;)

BTW, I DONT buy commercial feed, pellet or otherwise... They ALL get fresh grains, always have, always will; they're birds lol, its what they're supposed to eat ;)
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I am interested in this also. Other issues are interesting also - like: If I let the Chickens run, and they get into the dropped seeds/"Droppings" of wild birds, can I expect any Chickens to survive? Would there be any Danger to eat the Eggs of the Chickens?

We Love Feeding Wild Birds and Squirrels - Must we give that up to have Chickens?
I'm very new with raising backyard hens. Is it safe to give them wild bird seed as a treat? I've read that the sunflower seeds are good, but what about millet?

To both Handload and girlsat1435,

First off and foremost its a fun place to be thats all there is to it.

They make a block with maple with all the sunflower and birdseed mix and the block foods they are a treat but they will not do at all for a healthy well balanced meal for new chix growing or juveniles growing or egg layer feed. You need to remember as babies they have baby stomachs and need to be fed like babies. Chopped and almost prepared foods. Remember that babies have food processed foods like carrot, pea's, and other veggies whipped or pureed up well that what Im saying baby food to start them right. Then to get medicated chicken feed for young chickens you will feed them until week 25 and then you will switch to another feed. During this time you will have the opportunity to feed them any on this list. So best of luck and welcome to the BYC.

Food Treat Chart From the BYC


General Opinions

Raw and applesauce

Apple seeds contain cyanide, but not in sufficient quantities to kill.


Raw or cooked

Okay to feed, but not a favorite.

Without the peel

High in potassium, a good treat.

Well-cooked only, never dry

Also, green beans.

Greens also.


All kinds

A treat, especially strawberries.

All kinds - good use for stale bread or rolls

Feed starches in moderation.
Broccoli & Cauliflower


Tuck into a suet cage and they will pick at it all day.
Cabbage & Brussels Sprouts

Whole head -

Hang a whole cabbage from their coop ceiling in winter so they have something to play with and greens to eat.

Raw and cooked

They like carrot foliage too.
Cat food * (see bottom of page)

Wet and dry

Feed in strict moderation, perhaps only during molting * (see bottom of page)

Cheerios, etc.

Avoid highly sugared cereal such as Cocopuffs, etc.

Including cottage cheese

Feed in moderation, fatty but a good source of protein and calcium
Cooked Chicken


They may like it and it won’t kill them, but it just seems so wrong.

On cob and canned, raw and cooked

Crickets (alive)

Can be bought at bait or pet-supply stores.

Great treat – provides protein and it’s fun to watch the chickens catch them.

Let mature for yummy seeds and flesh.

Hard cooked and scrambled are a good source of protein, and a favorite treat.

Feed cooked eggs only because you don’t want your chickens to start eating their own raw eggs.


Fish / Seafood

Cooked only.


Make sure they haven't been treated with pesticides, such as florist flowers might be.

Marigolds, nasturtiums, pansies, etc.

Pears, peaches, cherries, apples


Bulgur, flax, Niger, wheat berries, etc.


Seedless only.
For chicks, cutting them in half makes it easier for them to swallow.

Great fun - the cause of many entertaining "chicken keep-a-way" games.



Only feed your chickens that which is still considered edible by humans, don't feed anything spoiled, moldy, oily, salty or unidentifiable.

Lettuce / Kale

Any leafy greens, spinach collards, chickweed included.

A big treat, depending on how much other greenery they have access to.
(see photo after the chart)

Available at pet supply stores or on the internet, although shipping is expensive!

A huge (!) favorite treat, probably the most foolproof treat on the books.
Meat scraps of any kind.

Not too fatty.

In moderation, a good source of protein

Cantaloupe, etc.

Both seeds and flesh are good chicken treats.

Raw or cooked

Cooked is nutritionally better.
Pasta / Macaroni

Cooked spaghetti, etc.

A favorite treat, fun to watch them eat it, but not much nutrition.

Peas and pea tendrils and flowers

Peppers (bell)




Seeds are a big treat.

Popped, no butter, no salt.

Potatoes / Sweet Potatoes/Yams

Cooked only - avoid green parts of peels!

Starchy, not much nutrition
Pumpkins / Winter Squash

Raw or cooked

Both seeds and flesh are a nutritious treat.



Cooked only

Pilaf mixes are okay too, plain white rice has little nutrition.

Scratch is cracked corn with grains (such as wheat, oats and rye) mixed in.

Scratch is a treat for cold weather, not a complete feed. Toss it on the ground and let them scratch for it for something to do.

Wheat and oat sprouts are great!

Good for greens in mid-winter.
Summer Squash

Yellow squash and zucchini

Yellow squash not a huge favorite, but okay to feed.
Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds with the shell still on is fine to feed, as well as with the shell off.

A good treat, helps hens lay eggs and grow healthy feathers.

Raw and cooked.



Not a huge favorite

Served cold, it can keep chickens cool and hydrated during hot summers.

Seeds and flesh are both okay to feed.

Plain or flavored

A big favorite and good for their digestive systems. Plain is better.
The most favorite chicken treat of all – mealworms
At 2 wks mine loved little bits of fruit or cooked bits of noodles. You could spoon feed them some baby food...favorites were sweet potato or corn casserole. I've even given them uncooked oatmeal. They also loved when I cut grass up in small pieces. Make sure they have grit, dirt or sand available.
I've got 5 chicks that were just hatched by a hen 3 days ago. I'm following a Hawaiian Natural Farming feeding protocol for them: brown rice grains (uncooked and lightly ground), scrambled egg and chopped bamboo leaves. This diet is said to promote healthy gut growth, upon which so much of good health rests. So far so good - mama and chicks seem to love the food, and there's not a bit of pasty butt.

My last 2 hen hatched/raised batches of chicks last year were great learning experiences. The mama hens taught me how to feed the babies: basically, they eat whatever she eats. Three day old chicks can eat whole grains within a few days - I know, I see them do it. I find these chicks are much more robust, and are better foragers than the chicks I raised on starter feed.

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