Wild duckling help!

A chick will not be an equal substitute for another duck. If you are planning on raising him I would get another duckling. He so cute!
I raised silkies and Pekins together for several years. They formed their own little flock and were quite happy to stay away from the main flock of chickens. Mind, you, this was before my parents moved and we had a pond, but they worked out pretty well.
I raised silkies and Pekins together for several years. They formed their own little flock and were quite happy to stay away from the main flock of chickens. Mind, you, this was before my parents moved and we had a pond, but they worked out pretty well.

Hmmm... most places I've read say that while they will go together it's not quite the same as having another duck companion. I'm guessing you had more than one duck with the chickens?
Apparently it "competes with the New Zealand grey duck" (Wikipedia)
Hmmm... most places I've read say that while they will go together it's not quite the same as having another duck companion. I'm guessing you had more than one duck with the chickens?
Two female ducks, two female silkies, one silkie cockerel. He mounted the ducks as well as the hens, and they all slept together and ate together. The silkies ranged a little further apart than the ducks tended to, but they stayed in line of *sight at all times, from what I remember.

Two female ducks, two female silkies, one silkie cockerel. He mounted the ducks as well as the hens, and they all slept together and ate together. The silkies ranged a little further apart than the ducks tended to, but they stayed in line of *sight at all times, from what I remember.

Aww that's awesome. Drakes can do some serious damage to hens though. I've never raised chickens (and don't plan too lol ducks for life!)
Rouens look a lot like that as well, but they have darker eye stripes as ducklings.

I know almost everything is considered a pest species in NZ, but what did mallards do that's so bad?

Yes almost every duck species here is a pest! Mallards destroy farming crops and so most people shoot them or dont really care about them.
Have found a lady who raises and releases ducklings, going to drop baby duck off with her tomorrow, she even has a friend for him to play with! Another solo duckling although hers is a few weeks old..hope itll be ok!
Yay! Now he has a flock. I was wondering why there would be a wild baby so late in the year, now that I know you are in NZ, that makes more sense. If you add your location to your profile, it is helpful, for those advising. You can click on your account, and add under personal info.

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