Wild Hen Hatched/Raising our Domestic Chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2022
(put this under wrong thread originally oops!)

YouTube Link :)
Wild Hen Raising Our Chicks

We hatched 6 of our own domestic egg laying chicks 6 months ago. When they hatched a wild chick was orphaned in our yard. In general wild "feral" chickens are a pest in Hawaii but we decided to see if she would be tame if raised with our domestic chicks. She is only slightly less wild than a normal feral chicken. She hangs around our yard with the other chickens but runs when we get close. At 25 weeks she started laying eggs and to our surprise wanted to sit on them just outside our fence. We decided to let her. Except we didn't want MORE wild chickens around so we gave her our new chickens domestic eggs. She ended up sitting on 9 eggs and 8 hatched 20.5 days later. We've set up a brooding pen for her to raise them. We will do a more in depth video later on as part of our future "Urban Homesteading".

Take a look at our video link above and subscribe to our channel if if you’d like to help us out. We’re just getting started!

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(put this under wrong thread originally oops!)

Wild Hen Raising Our Chicks

We hatched 6 of our own domestic egg laying chicks 6 months ago. When they hatched a wild chick was orphaned in our yard. In general wild "feral" chickens are a pest in Hawaii but we decided to see if she would be tame if raised with our domestic chicks. She is only slightly less wild than a normal feral chicken. She hangs around our yard with the other chickens but runs when we get close. At 25 weeks she started laying eggs and to our surprise wanted to sit on them just outside our fence. We decided to let her. Except we didn't want MORE wild chickens around so we gave her our new chickens domestic eggs. She ended up sitting on 9 eggs and 8 hatched 20.5 days later. We've set up a brooding pen for her to raise them. We will do a more in depth video later on as part of our future "Urban Homesteading".

Take a look at our video link above and subscribe to our channel if if you’d like to help us out. We’re just getting started!

Do you see a lot of wild chickens?
They are really just a mix. Some olive egger x ameraucana. Half of the eggs are from our most recent hatched pullets that are only 25 weeks old mixed with our big mixed rooster. We hatched him from eggs we got from our friends farm. Of course they aren't sure what their breed is either. So basically "mutt" chickens that lay good eggs. We've got all black ones all the way to all white. HeiHei is tiny compared to our hens and she looks like very wild Red Jungle Fowl. In actuality two of the 8 chicks are her eggs which are a mix of her and our huge rooster. She is VERY broody and protective.

We live in a more remote part of Hawaii and have TONS of wild chickens. Lots of studies have been done on them. Our wild chickens are definitely of old old old jungle fowl lineage and have genes from the great grand parents of modern chickens.

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