Wild pigs

Shoot them all. They chase away all the deer, and besides, they are delish. I had a lovely pork steak yesterday.

What? I thought they were cute and cuddly like they are in Disney movies.


I guess we're not the only animals that find pork to be tasty.
Yeah it took me about 30 seconds to realize they were BAD. I couldn't beleive they had done that to the ground too.

ETA: They gotta go ASAP. Too dangerous and too much at risk.
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Or one of your family members! (the human kind)
They didnt DECIDE to live here, they were brought here. Would they buy a plane ticket back to europe or where ever they are native to?? LOL I live in FL and they are a HUGE nuisance, Ill go out of my way to bag me some hog meat!
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They are wild hogs and they are/will be a problem. Texas is overrun with them to the point that they are giving points to the county extension agencies for each pig killed. Then the state gives grant money to the agencies depending on the points they get. The state (or maybe the counties? not sure who exactly) is now hunting them by helicopter. They ARE a problem. And they reproduce rapidly. They destroy property and can harm people if they get the chance. My father trapped one that a friend of his cooked. It was only a young female and it was banging at the sides of the trap to try to get at us when we were near it. It hit so hard it was injuring its own mouth. Imagine what a grown boar could do!

So my advice is to kill them all! (And I don't like to kill anything!!)
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