Wildlife thread

well we found some big coon tracks in our garden, this is the first sign of predators of this year. hoping it left the area or going to trap and kill it. also found a dead muskrat (or seen a dead muskrat) on the high way, first rat i seen this year.
Wow i hope it left and doesn't go after your flock! We had a fox come by around 5 this morning. Hasn't been around in a few months but it's like the 3rd or 4th time back... dog scared it off but then it was bold enough to run by again after dog had calmed down & didn't notice. But it just went into the woods rather than trying to attack again but still pretty bold or stupid.
Wow i hope it left and doesn't go after your flock! We had a fox come by around 5 this morning. Hasn't been around in a few months but it's like the 3rd or 4th time back... dog scared it off but then it was bold enough to run by again after dog had calmed down & didn't notice. But it just went into the woods rather than trying to attack again but still pretty bold or stupid.
that sucks, i enjoy wild life, but predators kinda suck once in a while.
update on the wild life i have near our small farm.

found some more big coon tracks, pretty fresh, saw some coyote tracks as well.

but bad news we found at least (me and my dad) 3 badger homes/holes/dens not sure if 2 of them are lived in but 1 for sure is inhabited (or it could be a fox den) in our horse pasture, put a havahart trap up near the den and hope to catch something.
Today is apparently wildlife night lol

Went out to a more rural area I usually don't really go to and saw a dead raccoon on the way back (not really wildlife but still) and then I saw a turkey on the highway. The poor thing was laying down on the side of the road but still holding it's head up which is why I'm bringing it up. Think it's still alive. Went and checked a few hours later and it's still there but head more sunken in it's feathers and puffed up (it's dark now). It's supposed to get cold tonight so I hope it's okay :(

And I also saw lots of crows and before I left I saw a squirrel twice.

And I saw a live raccoon close to home and then a bunny.
I made my mom call animal control even though it's 9pm on a Sunday LOL I'm sure another animal or it's injury will kill it by tomorrow :( but I just wanted to let them know anyway. I felt so bad for the poor thing that I just couldn't not cool. I'm way too soft hearted lol

I hope they can either save/rehab it or at the least put it out of it's misery if it's still there in the morning.

But realistically I know the odds are slim but I feel horrible

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