will a female pekin go broody

Jennings Gamefowl

10 Years
Feb 17, 2009
bought a pekin duck a few months ago and for about two weeks it has been laying eggs.... It took awhile to figure out if it was a female or not... but anyway i bought a drake today and was wondering if the female pekin will sit on her eggs or should buy a bator( and is so what is the best one i can get for a cheap price)
which ones are the best... i've only used moma hens before, never an incubator.. and now I dont have the broody hens.....

I have heard muscovies are..But I have never had that breed...
My young Rouens are already going broody ... two sets this year. I know nothing about Muscovies personally, but they are a different 'duck.' If you cross them, the resulting ducklings will be sterile. Folks are here have said they do a great job of setting.

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