Will a pregnant goat...?


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
sniff her urine and do a lip curl?

She should be due January 19 from when I saw her bred.
I never saw her go back into heat.
this month ive noticed her "pooch" is pinker and her bum is more poked out
I felt between her stomach an udder and think I felt a little head that moved ...but who knows


If she's due in mid Jan-- she'd have a bigger udder at this point in time... Her udder should be close to the size it will be once kidded out.... Let me put it simple... I had to search long and hard to even see an udder or teat on that doe... No, she will not kid in Jan-- but I suspect that she's go one heat cycle later...

She hasn't sprung yet either-- when that happens- she's getting closer.
loosened up, towards the rear end... big and floppy...

not bagging up until right away with the first-- isn't all that uncommon... also, this time around, her udder should be about twice the size it was first go around-- if it's not- it will be for sure by the time her lactation ends...

If you're hand milking her- this is also the time her teats will get big enough to be comfortable in your grasp... Prior, they weren't much bigger than a finger...
we have some that don't really show much at all... in fact one of the ones my hubby said he was sure *wasn't* bred gave us two lovely kids last night!


she doesn't look bred for january kids to me.

if, she's young, carries the kids tight, and has a smallish single in her, it's possible. but I'm not seeing it right at the moment.

we don't see bags on ours generally until 2-3 weeks prior, and don't see the girl parts puff usually until 1-4 days prior. but we've also got a couple that we have to start milking 30 days prior to kidding...

so... don't know. I'm not seeing it yet.
I agree with above, she doesn't "look" pregnant to me. But I've been wrong many times before. Does are tricky.

They can "bag up" anywhere from 2 months ahead of time to hours AFTER kidding. Of course, those are the extremes and typically it's something like 3-5 weeks before.

To answer your actual question, "Yes, even pregnant does will sometimes still show the flehmen response. It is merely them "smelling" the urine differently. The use the curl to "push" the air up into their's Jacobson's organ to analysis the smell better. So it's isn't actually a "show/exhibition" of heat, as much as it's a way for them to detect heat. She may be checking to see if she's pregnant herself, LOL. I'm sure they can smell the new hormones if they are there. "

As an example of trickiness, can you tell which one is pregnant? both maybe? Both are first-timers in the photos:



Turns out Sugar (on top) was NOT pregnant and Dimples (on bottom) was, finally. Dimples had already tricked us into thinking she was once. So we made her live with the buck for two months, LOL.

Sugar had a that slight udder and no obvious heat, but no baby. She finally kidded later in the year and never looked pregnant.

Tricky does!
interesting on your tricky does...
I'd have said yes to both... the second doe shows teats below the flank line, but otherwise... yeah, she's a hider.

we've got the same issue with our sheep... I've got one that manages to fool me every year. preggers, not preggers, when she'll lamb... its all different every time.
Goats don't read the books. I had one doe I AI'ed. I checked her the day before she was due and she had NO udder. I mean none. So I concluded that she didn't take with the artificial insemination and would kid later. Like five months after I had put the clean up buck in, which would be in another three weeks. The next morning when I went to do chores I found her with two new babies and a full udder. I have had that happen more than once. A doe can drop an udder in an astonishingly short period of time. As for the lip curl and the urine, it doesn't mean a thing.

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