Will a Roo fertilize all eggs or just his own breed?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Garrett County, Maryland
I have several different breeds and my wonderful husband has picked his favorite out of a batch of EE's that I got from the straight run bin at TSC. From looking at their feathers when they were 2 days old
I think it may be a roo?? Anyway.... looks like we'll be keeping him. I was wondering if he will only fertilize the EE hens or if he will fertilize all the different breeds. If so what will be peeps turn out as?
I think roos will fertilize anything they can. I found my neighbors RIR hen wandering the street and put her in with my cochins for safe-keeping. Well! If she hatches any of her eggs she just might find some really weird looking ones.

My bantam cochin jumps my peafowl too but mostly they aren't bothered he's like a fly on their back.

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