Will chickens stop layign if they don't have enough calcium?


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Coeur d'Alene, ID
My Bantams stopped laying but they also seemed to not be paying attention to the broken crab shells I threw out. They loved to peck at and disassemble them, at first. Also I used to grind up egg shells and put it in their feed.

Yesterday I went and bought some oyster shells so hopefully that will get them back going.

Two days ago, I put some DE on their feed and the next day one of the bantams laid an egg, in the lawn. Could this be their issue? Just not being fed enough Calcium?
They will still lay the eggs, even if they don't have enought calcium, but the shells will be very thin. Truthfully, if you're feeding a good layer feed, that should supply the calcium they need for egg laying. I haven't given mine any oyster shell for months, and they do just fine.

Alot of different things can affect egg production....like the weather being way too hot or cold, they could need a good worming, molting, or even if something has stressed them. Even making some changes in the coop can upset them.

I would worm them. Since they're not laying well anyhow, it's a good time to do that.

Good luck!
They made a ton of eggs in the first week, then stopped, for two weeks. One is still making an egg about every 20 hours. I think she's the only one. It's a RIR and I have three. I can hardly tell them apart, when they are together!

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