Will construction noise be a problem?


Apr 5, 2019
New England
The back of our house will be under construction for the next couple of weeks. Our chicks are probably under 3 weeks old. We’ve had them
home from the feed store for only four days.

They’re doing great so far but I’m worried about the constant construction noise keeping them from sleeping during the day. Is this a valid concern or do you think I’m being overly protective?
How close to the back of the house are they? They can get used to constant noise fairly quickly, it's the abrupt noises that scare them. As long as they are on a separate room from the building, they'll be fine. Check to make sure they don't all pile in a corner if a noise scares them, but besides that, I wouldn't worry.
How close to the back of the house are they? They can get used to constant noise fairly quickly, it's the abrupt noises that scare them. As long as they are on a separate room from the building, they'll be fine. Check to make sure they don't all pile in a corner if a noise scares them, but besides that, I wouldn't worry.

Close enough that they will hear every stroke of the hammer or cut from the saw. The work starts tomorrow so I’ll keep my eyes on them to see if they’re constantly flinching. If necessary I can move them to another part of the house but where they are now is really perfect.

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