Will hens with poults get along ?


12 Years
Apr 24, 2009
I have two hens raising poults and have
kept them separated while they were on nests.
I'm beginning to have a space problem
and would like to put them together.
Is it possible ? or will they be aggressive toward
the other's poults ?
One hen's babies are a week old and the other's
are 2-3 days old.
They would share a 12 x 12 barn until the poults
are big enough to go out in the run.
You can always put them together and watch for a while... I had a RP cross hen with poults and a wild hen with poults showed up and joined her. They stayed together all day every day, but roosted in different trees. The wild turkeys stayed around until I locked minr up for the winter in October. When they first joined up, my poults were a week or two old and the wild poults were older, maybe twice as big?

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