Will I be able to sex any of these chicks?


7 Years
May 24, 2012
East Texas
I currently have eggs in the bator! This is my first bator, my first set of eggs, and my first chicks! I set a mix consisting of Easter Eggers, buff Orpington's, three colors of Wyandottes, and some mutts. The mutts are the product of a half Buff Orpington half americana rooster over a Barred Rock hen and an Americana hen. Will I be able to color or feather sex any of these chicks? Thanks in advance!
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I currently have eggs in the bator! This is my first bator, my first set of eggs, and my first chicks! I set a mix consisting of Easter Eggers, buff Orpington's, three colors of Wyandottes, and some mutts. The mutts are the product of a half Buff Orpington half americana rooster over a Barred Rock hen and an Americana hen. Will I be able to color or feather sex any of these chicks? Thanks in advance!
Google "feather sexing". The text will tell you what breeds can be feather sexed and what to look for. Feather sexing can only be done with certain breeds and only within the first 3 days. You might also research sexing of wyandottes. Some of the chicks that are "chipmunk striped" can be somewhat sexed by the striping. I'm not an expert, only an avid reader!
Thanks! I've read quite a bit on feather sexing but haven't found a comprehensive list of who can and who can't be feather sexed or separated by color :(
Thanks! I've read quite a bit on feather sexing but haven't found a comprehensive list of who can and who can't be feather sexed or separated by color
I went back last night and tried to find the text I was quoting, but, it must have dropped into cyberspace! Sorry I can't help you. You might try to run a search on each individual type of bird that you're questioning. Some times there are subtle differences in the coloring of down, legs, or beak that indicate gender. Just be sure you're using a reliable source, there's a lot of hear-say out there! The next time I have a batch of chicks, I'm going to try my hand at vent sexing.

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