Will keeping a light on, around the coop or inside, prevent predators?


Nothing In Moderation
12 Years
May 14, 2009
(SW MO) Nevada, Missouri
My Coop
My Coop
If a light is kept on .... inside the coop, or around the outside of the coop .... Will that keep predators away? What about those "red eye," lights I have heard about? I think they are even solar powered. Anyway, is light a deterent?
Nope, it helps the "critters" see what they are doing. The only thing a light will do is make sure you can see the carnage while it's happening. Fencing is the only answer-do it right!
I put up 2 flood lights...so far no one else has been pulled through the wire.
NOPE...a racoon killed my cat right by my front door with the motion light ON all the time.

Also, I was able to shoot a different one under the same light while it was eating the cat's food so lights, at least regular ones, will not deter predators in the least.
I had a light on in the coop and one bright one outside the coop and a raccoon came anyway and killed 2 chickens. Don't rely too heavily on a light to deter predators.
I know I hunt coon, fox and yotes and I use a red light because they are not supposed to be able to see a red light. I know they can get pretty close with a red light on them.

so I dont understand how it would scare them away
I put my coop and run under the yard light for that very reason. Beats getting out there only to have dead batteries in the light 'cause the 5yo granddaughter was "looking for something"
I have a red light in my coop/run. I went out to check on my flock a few weeks back. There was a coon in my peafowl/guinea run. The coop is very tall and my son built the perches very high. The birds were all perched and unable to be reached. The coon was running around trying to figure out a way to get to them. I watched the entire time. He didn't know I was there. When he decided he couldn't get any of the birds...he started eating the food that was left in the feeders.He gained entry by chewing through two layers of chicken wire. I wish I would have had my gun! We reinforce the wire the next moring with hardware cloth. I haven't had a problem since. I still keep the light on...I don't know why but, I do. My son traps them all of the time...I think there's an endless suppy of coons!

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