Will lay or not to lay... that is the question.


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
Wasilla, Alaska
I have several Light Brahmas. I raised them from 8 week chicks. At the time of my purchase from an experienced chicken farmer, she told me they were Delawares. So me being a first timer thought nothing about it and I was happy to have these beautiful Delawares. I put a lot of study time into the Delaware breed, however I did not realize that my chickens were not Delawares, but were instead Light Brahmas. Being similar in color, it was the featherly legs and pea size combs that clued me in. The chickens are 22 weeks now. I was waiting for eggs any day, but I recently read an ariticle that Light Brahmas lay at 24 to 28 months and sometimes at 6 months because the body puts all its energy into building they larger than average sizw bodies of these chickens. I was really wanting eggs soon. Do any of you Brahma owners know if that information is true. How many weeks old were your Brahmas when they began to lay? My chickens are very fluffy and have feathered thigh to toe boots. They are big and beautiful, but I would like to see an egg soon.

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