Will most ducks sit and hatchout eggs??

girls and guineas

8 Years
Nov 30, 2011
northern GA
Will most ducks (pekin and magpie) hens sit on their eggs and hatch them out? Are they usually broody? How many eggs should she sit on? How long does it take to hatch out duck eggs? I didn't mark the eggs after I found the nest, so I don't know which ones are the oldest?
Are there problems if small hens hatch out duck eggs? Something about moisture, or learning how to use their oil gland?
Will most ducks (pekin and magpie) hens sit on their eggs and hatch them out? Are they usually broody? How many eggs should she sit on? How long does it take to hatch out duck eggs? I didn't mark the eggs after I found the nest, so I don't know which ones are the oldest?
Are there problems if small hens hatch out duck eggs? Something about moisture, or learning how to use their oil gland?
I think most domestics don't get broody, but there are a good number that do. Number of eggs depends on the duck. 28 days for mallard types, more like 30 or 32 for Muscovy, if I recall correctly.

Hens have hatched duck eggs before - some keep up with the ducklings a bit, some don't. The ducklings seem to know how to use their oil gland, especially after they have a chance to get into some warm shallow water (in my experience).

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