Will my broody hen eat and drink?


7 Years
Jun 1, 2016
Hi everyone, I'm new to having a broody hen. I haven't seen her eat or drink unless I'm just not seeing it? Any advice, she acts a little crazy has a crazy look in her eyes too lol. Thanks!
Thank you for the response! Yes she just started doing this a few days ago. Will a rooster kill or hurt the babies?
Not in my experience.
I put broodies behind a temporary wire wall in the coop to keep a better eye on them and avoid other issues.
I take down the wall a few days after hatch, there's usually a hen fight that resolves quickly. Only once the male went after broody.
never had other hens or male go after the chicks.
I haven't seen her eat or drink unless I'm just not seeing it?
Checking the feel of her crop is another good way to tell if she's recently eaten or not.

Will a rooster kill or hurt the babies?
Roosters *mostly* have strong instincts towards the chicks, for they may be HIS offspring! Future generations are important to all species.. but not all individuals will carry the same instincts in tact.. and age matters some. Cockerels not quite being considered roosters in my book.

Best wishes for a fantastic adventure! :jumpy :jumpy
They may not get off the nest the first, and last, few days, but otherwise should get up each day to eat/stretch/drink/poop.
Hard to tell if they've done that unless you have a recording camera on her or she is confined where you can watch for disturbed feeder or a large broody poop.
She knows more about being a chicken than any of us do, and will eat enough if it is available. Generally they get off once every day or two, terrorize the layers - which is a good thing, they learn to give her some space, which works well when she brings out the chicks.

My roosters have never bothered chicks but once this happened, this is a true story. It was late afternoon, and the chicks were running around, just peeping madly, peeping, peeping, PEEPING. And all at once, the rooster, just jumped up and down in one place, and screeched.

Dead silence, and then a quick run for mamma. NO kidding, I dang near fell down laughing. He had had it.
They may not get off the nest the first, and last, few days, but otherwise should get up each day to eat/stretch/drink/poop.
Hard to tell if they've done that unless you have a recording camera on her or she is confined where you can watch for disturbed feeder or a large broody poop.
Thank you for the response! Yes she just started doing this a few days ago. Will a rooster kill or hurt the babies?

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