Will my chickens eat snow if their water freezes? Will they be safe?

My flock lays eggs throughout the winter.

As eggs are 75% water, they need a lot, like a 3/4 gallon per day per 10 birds.

That's a lot of snow, since snow is 10:1 air/water average.

The wild birds do survive, and I'm sure the chickens can, but the wild birds do not lay eggs in the winter months.

I use a cookie tin heater, my birds have access to water (and snow if available) 24/7.
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I work all day and have ordered a heated waterer, but will they be ok in the meantime?
Eating snow and ice in the winter months is how the wild birds all around us stay hydrated. It's instinctual for chickens to eat snow when there's no source of open water. Mine sometimes choose to peck at snow even when there is water available.

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