Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

I would like to share my cracked and repaired [with candle wax] emu egg. I noticed the crack on day three, but I suspect it's been there since the beginning of incubation. I wiped the crack with disinfectant and then applied the wax, and now I wait... For almost two months. There's no way to candle these babies so all I can do is hope it lives.

I once got a chicken chick to hatch day with a huge hole in it covered with plastic wrap and hot glue... But it tried to hatch while I was asleep [I already took off the patch] and got stuck and died.
Wow! So glad I found this thread. It's among the top listings when you search Google for "will my cracked egg hatch".

This is my first time incubating chicks. I've had chickens as a kid but this is the first time I'm raising them as an adult with MY kid. Since school is cancelled due to coronavirus, he never got the chance to do the egg hatching lesson the school had planned. So since we just moved into our forever house and my friend from the National Aviary was willing to help, we're hatching some chickens!

I've got Seramas (the ones I plan on keeping the most of), Silkies, Polish Crested, and some other mixed bantams that I won/bought on eBay in batches of 12 or less. Of the 9 Seramas, only 3 were viable. 8/10 of the silkies are developing. And ALL 16 of the mixed Bantams from the wonderful guy I bought them from are doing well and looking good.

Of the 3 Seramas, 2 are micro eggs (the only 2 that came in that order) and the third is not much bigger. When candling the Serama eggs with my son, one of the micros slipped from my hand as I was pulling it out of the incubator and it had about. 5-6" drop onto my table with a tablecloth. The shell cracked lightly and spidered outward a little bit but the membrane isn't punctured and I can still see movement and development.

After reading through this, I took some candle wax and used the smallest amount possible to deal up the cracks. It's not a very big crack and it hasn't altered the shape of the egg itself, it's more like a hairline fracture than anything. But reading through this thread gives me home it'll survive!

It happened on day 10. It's day 12 and everything still looks good. We go into lockdown next week and I'm hoping and praying all 3 Seramas make it! Not that I don't care for and want the others to hatch, too, but I fell in love with those Seramas the moment I saw them!

I'll post an update on whether or not the little guy or gal makes it! Thanks for all your stories!

If you put a cracked egg from day one it usually only makes it to day 10, but if your egg is already on day ten, if the crack is on the air cell, I would say the chance is better. I guess time will tell.
If you put a cracked egg from day one it usually only makes it to day 10, but if your egg is already on day ten, if the crack is on the air cell, I would say the chance is better. I guess time will tell.

It actually IS on the air cell and the membrane didn't break! I candled again and can't see anything anymore, just like the rest of my eggs, because they all seem so big and developed. It's the only one that got a boo-boo on it so I'm hoping and praying it makes it over the finish line 🙏
I had an egg recently I was going to incubate, but when I candled, it had these goofy looking seams that you could not see with the eye. then I looked real close and found an edge poking up. I put the egg into my breakfast, and found it was not even fertile after all. All my energies for not.
I set 7 d’Uccle eggs in my Brinsea Mini. On day 4, I was reaching for something on the shelf above the incubator, and dropped it. Clutz!
It jostled the eggs inside, and cracked a few. I used 3M micropore paper-like medical tape and 2 hatched today. I think a couple quit early on, and one was beyond repair, but the tape has worked for me in other instances too.
Hello, this time my batch of eggs are 11days. I cracked one egg when turning it on the incubator(semi-manual) then i covered the cracked part with tape, the crack is a lil crack but it still dangerous i think, it bumped into another egg thankfully only one got cracked. Then i search for problems like this and turned up this section here😅 thank you guys i changed the tape with candle wax😅 i hope it remains alive up to hatching. Cause i check it now and it is still moving inside.🙏😅
Hello, this time my batch of eggs are 11days. I cracked one egg when turning it on the incubator(semi-manual) then i covered the cracked part with tape, the crack is a lil crack but it still dangerous i think, it bumped into another egg thankfully only one got cracked. Then i search for problems like this and turned up this section here😅 thank you guys i changed the tape with candle wax😅 i hope it remains alive up to hatching. Cause i check it now and it is still moving inside.🙏😅
I recently hatched a duck egg with a crack (Ma chicken cracked 2 duck eggs) crack on day 8. Nail polished it. I had many staggared hatch eggs in incubator, and kept it with the moist hatching eggs. Eggs that have a crack on day 1 usually don't make it past day 10, but a crack on day ten has a better chance of making it.

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