Will my silkie roos breed with standard hens???

my 2 lav silkie roos are afraid of no one! They would mate with the big girls if he could get on them! they are less than a year old but boy they love girls!!!
I would definately need a pic!

Fine give me this weekend and Ill show you a shaved hinny!!

I am subscribing to this thread, just waiting to see the END results!

ETA: Honestly though, I was thinking of doing the same thing. I want some fertile eggs, darn it!
Heck, I trimmed them around their eyes so they can see. They were very happy about that, and they no longer run into the posts, and the ..... and everything!​
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I've been trying to add a black silkie roo to the larger girls but they just beat him up. He will stand up to one at a time but there are 18 total and they like to gang up on him. I don't care if the eggs are fertile or not but would be interested in offspring if any came. I need to remove him from the silkie coop but he is so sweet and lovable and I would really like to keep him. He's great with little kids.
I'll be following this thread to see if it works and if anyone has any suggestions.
My white silkie roo "Opie" mates with my Buff Orp hens all the time. Whether he's completing the deed, I have no idea. We haven't incubated any eggs since this spring.

funny movie
candled the eggs last night. and seems the little guy got the deed done! LOL

we should see the results in a couple of weeks

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