Will skunks eat chickens??


Aug 12, 2021
Two skunks visited my chicken coops today (during daylight). I've known that there are skunks in the area as they leave their smell behind 😆. Are they a threat to my chickens? I have a two mama hens with chicks that I'm particularly worried about as they spend they day in a non-predator proof run. Do you see this as being a problem? My gut says "yes," but I've never really viewed skunks as predators. Any thoughts??
Skunks are opportunists. They are not as likely to kill a grown chicken, although they're capable. They're more likely going to go after chicks and eggs.
That's what I've heard🤔 If it was you what action would you take?
That's what I've heard🤔 If it was you what action would you take?
You say the run isn't predator proof. Do you have a picture? I haven't found skunks to be as determined as other animals to get into coops and such. If it was reasonably secure I would probably leave it for now.
You say the run isn't predator proof. Do you have a picture? I haven't found skunks to be as determined as other animals to get into coops and such. If it was reasonably secure I would probably leave it for now.
It's just a circular metal enclosure with chicken wire attached. I don't have a picture at the moment.
I agree, skunks can kill and eat chickens but they are much more of a threat to eat eggs. As you have seen, skunks can hunt during the day, but I don't consider them much of a threat to chicks or chickens during the day as the chickens can see them and avoid them. Skunks don't move that fast. The big risk is at night when the chickens can't see them to get away. That doesn't mean they won't kill a chick or chicken during the day if they can, just that it's unlikely. They are more likely to go into your day pen to eat chicken food than to go after the chicks.

What action would I take? Make sure they are securely locked up at night. To me that's the most important.

I don't know your circumstances or desires. I live where I can shoot them or trap and dispose of them. That's what I do. I've had dogs sprayed. I had one go through a pet door into a garage and spray, not fun. I turned a corner once and was a few feet from one. It did not spray but that did something to my heart rate. In some states they find more skunks with rabies than any other critter with rabies. I don't want them around. I'll never eliminate them but I can thin them out.
I think the skunks may have been originally attracted to something else, like chicken feed left outside- it should be inside or in metal trash cans with tight lids. Or garbage bags, or compost pile.
I think the skunks may have been originally attracted to something else, like chicken feed left outside- it should be inside or in metal trash cans with tight lids. Or garbage bags, or compost pile.
That's a good thought! Thank you:)
Skunk ate 2 of my chickens, they were old. The skunk dug into the coop. Now I put boards around the edges of my coop so they can't get in.
Two skunks visited my chicken coops today (during daylight). I've known that there are skunks in the area as they leave their smell behind 😆. Are they a threat to my chickens? I have a two mama hens with chicks that I'm particularly worried about as they spend they day in a non-predator proof run. Do you see this as being a problem? My gut says "yes," but I've never really viewed skunks as predators. Any thoughts??
Yes, had it happen last year.

One got into the chicken run early this morning, woke up to screaming chickens at 4 in the morning.
My mom, & dad beat me to the coop. No causalities this time, the birds gave it a pummeling.

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