Will the government take away your chickens?


Cheap meds?


Who"s military do we feed from?

That's a petty attack, chickened. They "feed" off our economy because they are our number one trading partner. Do you think they are the only ones who benefit from our relationship? Do you believe the United States is completely "self supportive?" And about the military protection.. what military protection? Yeah, we will protect Canada should they ever be attacked but Canada has the ability to keep their nose out of everyone else's business and thus don't need the juggernaut military force of the United States. If we followed suit we wouldn't either. Also, you can hardly fault Canadian lumber harvesting for not following the same format as American lumber harvesting. It's their country and it's their business.

You make a lot of claims about Canadians mooching off the Americans but you don't really cite any sources. Other times you comment you post a few links to back up what you are saying. Would you mind doing it here? I'm skeptical because your claims seem too broad.
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$20 says the government will cut Social Security before they cut Military Spending

social security is not mooching off the government. it is forced savings. it is pre-paid retirement taken from your paycheck. you own it. you are entitled to it.
If Canada can produce cheaper timber, even by the use of subsidies, then they will naturally corner the market. Those are the economic facts of life. That is why the founder of Tesco coined the phrase, 'Pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap!' Sound advice.
You managed to provide links to lumber associated things but none of your other claims(which were the most sensationalist). Again, if Canada harvests lumber and does it in a better fashion than we do.. how exactly is that them mooching from us? I doubt any of us own a television created by an American company. Would you say the same things about China or are you only concerned with an industry that directly affects you?

About us not relying on anyone else's military.. you are absolutely right. How much of our budget goes to military purposes, anyhow?

I don't disagree with you about the health care gap. I believe this country has some of the best physicians in the whole world. The difference is how specific a surgery is. Canada may not be advanced specifically as we are but I imagine the gross majority of hospital visits are common ailments. The same common ailments here cost us a fortune. If you were looking for the most absolute specialized surgery experts I believe you would find them in the USA, but how many of us require someone of such level? I think about a guy I used to work with probably 6 years ago.. he had a hernia for weeks because he couldn't afford to get it fixed. In Canada? He'd get on a list and it would be fixed shortly. Yes, every surgery has a different length list, but the more common it is the faster/easier it is to fix. I just believe there is this false notion that the second we adapt to universal health care we will start letting people do surgeries out of the back of their pickup. It's not true but some people will believe whatever their party tells them to.
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Says the pot as it is calling the kettle black, you have spouted nothing but socialist rhetoric , yes I read the part where you had a rough life when you were younger, and I feel sympathetic for you, but on a daily basis I see so many that abuse welfare, not ss and disabled people, but people who are just plain lazy, seems the only thing they are good at working is the system, and they seem to think it is their right to have as many children as they possibly can to pass this behaviour on to.

Do I have a plan to change the system, nope, I am but one man with limited resources, the existing and past govt. on the other hand who has made sure that they have money has failed to make any changes as they are happy to have the slaves, all the while stressing those who have to pay.
I speak from a viewpoint of compassion and realism. The poor are not going to go away and avoiding the problem or pretending that humanity has no social responsibility to one another is nonsense. Most people are really quite self centered and anytime they hear about programs to assist people on hard times all they can think about is how this may cause them to loose out. Its incredible to me how insensetive, uncaring and dangerous that type of thinking is. And by the way, please don't be sympathetic to me, I only related my experiences as evience that I am familiar about how it is to live in poverty, and no my family never took welfare, but if they had I would be a healthier and more productive (productivity loss in relation to health) person today, no doubt of it. Try not to be so short sighted while you spout your rhetoric.
Ok, we will call it temporary ban on child bearing until a responsible means of support is produced. Enforcing child support laws is an option. What if mom leaves is that different? What if dad pretends to leave to get benefits? You really have no clue the depth of fraud in social programs. You keep ignoring the abusers of which I am referring and try to spin it that I am only after the ones that need the welfare. I was on welfare as a child and my mother was left by my father whaen I was five with 3 other children and my mother was on welfare/foodstamps for about 2 years and then was never on it again so do not tell me it cannot be done or that it is a long term program. My mother wanted off welfare and she managed to do it with 4 kids to feed. Of course her kids were all by one man and she did not keep having them either... maybe that is part of the solution.

People are forced and manipulated as you describe it for many things, buy one get one free, 2 year commitment on a free phone, channels you never watch in a package cable deal, unemployment insurance and the list goes on so what is the bid deal about that?

We have to pay taxes as a part of the ones that work, we should have a say in how they are spent. Are we not "vulnerable" also?

Being destitute with 2 kids is better than being destitute with 10 is it not?
Your personal story actually reflects the reality of welfare. In fact, most people get off welfare in a few short years. Why? Because for most people subsistance living is no fun and they would rather have the independence and benefits of gainful employment.

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