Will they ever lay? (pics)

It IS frustrating waiting. Then those funny little tiny first eggs come, and it's so exciting! They freak my husband out, lol, but the grandkids think those mini-eggs are laid just specially for them!

I bought four free ranged Buff Oprington cross hens that were supposed to be four months old, and we waited an additional three months for them to lay. Either the person we bought them from was off on her dates, or Orps are just late layers! Either way, they've become very steady girls. They are pretty BIG hens, as well; maybe that plays into it also somehow?

Unless you have a flock of roos & just don't know it yet (
) your girls will lay sooner or later. They do need some additional light in the winter but don't overdo it; I think it's just the way God made them, so their little bodies don't burn out so quickly. They're supposed to slow down their egg production in the winter. Always best to let nature take it's course. We give ours light during "normal business hours" as our coop is kind of dark even in daylight, then turn it off after dusk & let the poor wee things sleep!

Your hens look healthy & are beautiful! Take some pics of your mini-eggs to share when they finally arrive!

Best of luck!

Jenny Creek Ranch
La Center, WA

Wife of 17 years to the world's most tolerant man, grandmother of seven, and feeder of two goofy dogs, six lazy cats, seven wonderful hens (Easter, Diamond, Fiesta, Salsa, Spot, Goldie & Tina) and two rescue horses.
I agree...their combs and wattles are still kinda small...they are almost there but not quite. They look very healthy and happy.

Btw...I think your 'Buff Orpington' might actually be a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire.
I mean if you push them into early and continual production, you will likely have to deal with cancer, prolapse and peritonitis in a year or two. I lost 20 of my original 26 in the first three years, most from reproductive trouble.

It's fine if you plan to butcher them next year but if they're pets you're in for a lot of heartache. It's better for them to lay when they're ready and slow down when they need too.
Oh my god, you may be right! I just looked through the breed pics on the site, and she's redder and slimmer than the other BO's, not as nearly dark as the RIR, and doesn't have scattered white feathers like the Red Star. That leaves...New Hampshire Red. Her tail feathers are dark at the tips like the NH pics. Wow, that throws me for a loop. Guess I'll have to change my tagline.

I will post some pics of the girls when they were chicks. I'm pretty sure now from others' photos that they were more like 2 weeks old when we got them. So I will be patient, and Ella, I will skip the light!

Homecoming, May 24


May 28


May 29, barred rock


May 29, the new hampshire red formerly known as buff orpington

So how old do they look in these photos? It was hard to get clear pics of them.
Cute chicks. They look like they're around 2 weeks old.

They should be laying for you in a couple weeks!
Again, watch the combs/wattles...the ones that have the biggest, reddest ones will probably be the first to lay.

Your Omelette is definitely rockin' the red feathers....I have BO's and I was thinking...WOW....she's REALLY red for a BO!!!
Definitely keep an eye out for the crouching/squatting - one of my BBs has been doing that for ~ a week, and she just laid her first lovely egg today (yay!!!). It's a submission/solicitation gesture (we see it in wild birds too). Our Buckeye just started crouching yesterday, and our other BB still seems very "young", paler in the face and no crouching - even though they are all supposedly the same age (22 weeks). Your flock is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Hope your eggs come soon!

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