Will This Be Big Enough? Please Help!

Most (probably all) of the pre-made chicken coops house way fewer hens than what the manufacturer says, and only bantam size. They're not predator proof either. Have you thought about making part of your garage a coop?
My garage does not connect to the backyard ):

The links I posted are of coops under 600 dollars and well built in your area. Forgot to add that to the post.
Thank you!

Here's the part that's making me mad is we have a HUGE 12 width x 12 length x 12 height single bedroom "shed" that is actually built like a house - complete with insulation
and cement floors. Here's a picture:

It might be a bit bigger than 12x12 - My little sister is about 5 ft and 130 pounds although the picture looks otherwise.

My parents refuse to let me use this and all that's in there right now is a lawn mower and some empty boxes.. MADDENING!!
The other problem is this structure has no windows and is really warm inside. I'm trying to convince them to hire someone to just cut a window on the door and
nail/staple from chicken wire from behind for ventilation. California does not have harsh winters but if it gets too cold maybe I can make window cover from something.

This would be so perfect! I would buy or make five nest boxes so they each have their own and also make a three level six foot roosting bar. For the bottom I would use aspen
shavings and use a kitty litter scooper to clean the poop everyday then use the poop as fertilizer!

They are slowly starting to budge after seeing the prices for such flimsy coops - my mom is on board and we're all convincing my dad!!

EDIT: They are on board! I will no longer be purchasing a coop but using this little "shed/house" we have in
our backyard! This makes me so happy because I can add to my flock! Yay!
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Hi! Isn't it so frustrating how GOOD premade coops are so hard to find? Personally, I bought The Smart Chicken Coop kit. It's only $295 plus shipping (and I'm on the East coast, so you'll pay a whole lot less in shipping)! If you want less DIY, they also offer an unpainted version, I think. I'm liking mine so far! I'd definitely recommend checking them out, especially since you live in CA. www.thesmartchickencoop.com
I'll check them out right now! Thank you!
How much does a coop for 5 large chickens usually run? Sadly in California, everything is SUPER overpriced. I'm a college student and a female that does not know how to build, nor does any male in my family ):

Edit: Sorry for double posting!
Don't sell yourself so short! You have this wonderfull Magic Elf Box in front of you that will tell the how and why of anything you wish to know, and all that's left is to train your hands to do as you wish them to ....... "building" things is easier than ever in the history of mankind, because the tools and materials used are ever more and more user friendly...... screws that drill their own pilot holes and countersink themselves ....... skillsaws that run on rails so every cut is straight (took the "skill" requirement right outa that!) ........ reciprocating saws with blades that'll cut right through nails ....... and the tools ar available for rent nearly everywhere for next to nothing.......

So you are a college student? Can you take an elective in woodworking ......construction management ........ contract estimating ....... anything related to turn something you need into (a) graded project(s)? .....That'd be tax deductable, too?

Oh, and just because you are a female does not mean you can not build stuff...... I'd be ****** if one of my daughters told me that...... you are surely smarter than the average hammer swinger out there (you "are" in a "college").....just not as experienced in this particular discipline ....... so get on it! Learn! Do! Make! Hell, if the coop you want is costing thousands of dollars in your area, and you think that's unaffordable, then that is not unfortunate: On the contrary, it's a business opportunity. It just knocked ..........
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EDIT: They are on board! I will no longer be purchasing a coop but using this little "shed/house" we have in
our backyard! This makes me so happy because I can add to my flock! Yay!
You will need some vents on the walls where the roof peaks to move the air and allow moist air and ammonia to escape. Does it have a window to let in some natural light? Cover all openings securely with hardware cloth. You'll want to keep your chickens safe from raccoons.
You will only need 2 nest boxes for 5 hens. They like to share. Mine have 6 boxes and 21 hens in the group. ONLY using three and sometimes a fourth box.
I have a group of 11 that all use one box since most are to old to lay anymore.
I took your advice and currently screwed into place two large milk crates then added a high wood bar so the eggs wont stay out/the pine bedding will stay in (I also put cardboard to line it so bedding will not fall out the holes). I'll then cover them with cardboard box so it's nice and dark (I can throw the cardboard away and replace when it gets too dirty). That's just for now, if it doesn't work out I know a place that sells them for $30 each!

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