Will this chick make it?? I need help!

4 Georgia Hens

Jan 3, 2017
Northern Georgia
Hey guys. A few minutes ago, my sister and I were cleaning out the broody hen’s coop when we found a cold egg that had an external pip. My sister really wanted to see what was inside so she peeled back some of the shell, revealing a still-alive chick and a bit of blood. I immediately, I brought the egg inside. Right now, it is on a heating pad, with a damp washcloth and a warm rice sock next to it. The whole contraption is in an empty drawer. I also added some coconut oil to the dried out membrane in order to soften it up. The chick is still alive and trying to break free of its shell. What else can I do? Will it survive? I really need some help. Thanks guys!
Edit: the egg is not still bleeding.
This is what the egg looks like.
Can you post some pictures? Also, roughly how long has the chick been trying to hatch? If it’s chirping and not bleeding anymore it’s a good sign! Keep it on the heating pad and keep the membrane moist but be careful not to drown the chick.
Can you post some pictures? Also, roughly how long has the chick been trying to hatch? If it’s chirping and not bleeding anymore it’s a good sign! Keep it on the heating pad and keep the membrane moist but be careful not to drown the chick.

She did post a picture.....

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