Will those PVC elbow feeders work for ducks?

How do the deer get to your duck's feeder?! - I have the feeder in the duck's house and no deer would dare…
our feeder is out in the pasture under a little roof structure. At night I just cover it, but they’ve been bolder lately and eating it during the day.

I’ve thought about putting the feed in the coops but I worry about rats.
Unfortunately that’s not going to be “easier” then making a feeder out of garbage cans and pvc elbows. We priced how much it would cost to deer fence our chicken pastures and it was very expensive. We are currently researching alternatives but for right now, it’s out of reach
No need to fence off the whole pasture, pretty hard to keep deer out like that anyway.

I’ve thought about putting the feed in the coops but I worry about rats.
Just build a small run next to the coop<shrugs>
I use one also. The orange tray is supposed to be under it to catch mess, but often gets knocked out of the way.


Edit: ugh. Should have gone out and cleaned before posting. Lazy this morning :th
Maybe you can build a roof over the feeder that is too short for the deer. You can build in access from the top, or have a pull out drawer to service the feeder.
I have a roof enclosure currently over the food, and I tried building barriers along the top part to keep the deer out but they are surprisingly crafty at getting in anyway. There are several little ones that can fit any way

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