Will two different colors split into their own groups?


15 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Hannibal, Missouri
I have Brown chinese and white chinese geese. They will be 4 months old at the end of June. So i was wondering if the brown geese and the white geese would split into their own groups?
I vote yes. all my ducks paired off based on color, not breed or age. I've got 3 2 year old blue, black and splash swedes, and they each paired up with a similarly colored duck. the splash paired up with our 1 year old pekin, the blue paired up with a runner, and the black swede paired up with a 1 year old cayuga.. so i think they prefer their own color. Birds of a feather, and all that.
I know the ducklings I ordered from Metzer Farms would all play together, but when they were tired the 2 or 3 of the same breed would sleep next to eachother and the lone ducklings of a breed slept in a little group!
Um, no.... They definitely do not segregate themselves by color, LOL. They will interbreed. LOL, if you haven't had them do it yet, they will. Trust me.
Trust me, chickensducks&agoose.. that will not continue. I have kept ducks/waterfowl for over 25 years. They don't separate themselves by color. They just don't. If they have for you so far, that won't continue. They will eventually mix and mingle. That is Duck Keeping 101. (and holds true for Geese as well, in my experience).
My ducks tend to buddy with someone of similar color. The coloreds and whites tend to stand apart, but in the end, they all interbreed. I know of two little hens who are best friends and one's a domestic mallard, the other a pekin.

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