Will we see our pets again?

Interesting, the various beliefs being shared here. I am learning a lot. May I jump in and briefly share mine? I believe that Jesus, who is the Son of God who came to earth in human form to live and die as one of us and rose from the grave because He lived without sin and returned to heaven, is soon to return in power and glory to take His followers to heaven with Him for 1,000 years. During that time a judgment will be going on in heaven during which Satan will have no one on this earth to tempt, for all the wicked will have been burned up by the brightness of Jesus' glory. The saved go over the books to make sure there have been no mistakes. At the end of the 1,000 years Jesus and the saints return to the earth, the wicked are briefly raised to receive their punishment. The unsaved, Satan and the fallen angels are then destroyed in the lake of fire. They do not burn for all eternity, they are annihilated. Then the earth is made new, as God intended it in the beginning. Rebellion will never rise up again. There will never again be pain, sickness, crime, death or suffering of any kind. The entire universe proclaims that God is love! (You can find most of this in Rev. 20).
Do you believe in hell?
Why do you think God allows suffering?
View attachment 2267483
There seems to be a lot in the Bible about hell . There's like a hundred versus here but I only screenshotted three of them . I do infact believe in hell . If you don't believe God would allow Satan a kingdom then I won't argue about it cuz I couldn't handle it 🤣
If I can't handle stupid white house on The hill arguments. Haha 😂

Please don't be offended 🙏
I believe in a hell in which the fire goes out. The wages of sin is death, not everlasting life in torment. Rom. 6:23. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not PERISH ....

People are not lost or saved based on how good they were, but because God is good. We are saved by believing that Jesus died for our sins.
Interesting, the various beliefs being shared here. I am learning a lot. May I jump in and briefly share mine? I believe that Jesus, who is the Son of God who came to earth in human form to live and die as one of us and rose from the grave because He lived without sin and returned to heaven, is soon to return in power and glory to take His followers to heaven with Him for 1,000 years. During that time a judgment will be going on in heaven during which Satan will have no one on this earth to tempt, for all the wicked will have been burned up by the brightness of Jesus' glory. The saved go over the books to make sure there have been no mistakes. At the end of the 1,000 years Jesus and the saints return to the earth, the wicked are briefly raised to receive their punishment. The unsaved, Satan and the fallen angels are then destroyed in the lake of fire. They do not burn for all eternity, they are annihilated. Then the earth is made new, as God intended it in the beginning. Rebellion will never rise up again. There will never again be pain, sickness, crime, death or suffering of any kind. The entire universe proclaims that God is love! (You can find most of this in Rev. 20).

If I'm reading this right, I think this might be what I believe. At least, part of it.

Do you believe that Jesus is God and in the trinity?
But things that make you happy won't necessarily get you to heaven or where ever you think you go after you die.

Why do you think that?
I rather be happy then suffer under a religon I dont like or entirely believe in. No matter where it lands me after, because I know what I believe in and what I think will happen to me.
"Not everyone calling on the name of Jehovah will be saved"
"Not a hearer but a doer of the word"
I believe it takes more than having faith.
"Faith without works is dead"
And I agree about the wages sin pays is death.
Not everlasting torment.
I rather be happy then suffer under a religon I dont like or entirely believe in. No matter where it lands me after, because I know what I believe in and what I think will happen to me.
I wouldn't be happy without my religion. Even without the hope of living forever. Because I live a happier, more meaningful life for it.
And I believe it all.

My favourite scripture is Philippians 4;6,7
The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. I have felt this many a time.
I rather be happy then suffer under a religon I dont like or entirely believe in. No matter where it lands me after, because I know what I believe in and what I think will happen to me.

This is what how long life is right now:


This is how long life will be after we die. (In heaven and in the new world)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________....AND IT WILL GO ON FOR EVER!!!

So you would rather live the short life being happy and carefree, then not be able to have the long life after you die?

Serve God while you live on this earth, then live happily in the new world after you die!
This is what how long life is right now:


This is how long life will be after we die. (In heaven and in the new world)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________....AND IT WILL GO ON FOR EVER!!!

So you would rather live the short life being happy and carefree, then not be able to have the long life after you die?

Serve God while you live on this earth, then live happily in the new world after you die!
Do you believe in hell?
Why do you think God allows suffering?
We chose suffering. When our parents ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that was the choice they made for the inhabitants of this planet. God has to respect that choice, but He did not leave us without hope. He had a plan, a plan to rescue us from the effects of sin, a plan to rescue us from the power of sin, and a plan to save us from death. He sent His Son. The question is not, then, why does He allow suffering, but why does He save us from suffering more, and suffering eternally? Why didn't He abandon us to the fate we chose, the fate we deserve? And the answer is: Love. Because He would rather die than live without us.

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