Will we see our pets again?

I should probably check out yoga and pilates again. Maybe even find myself an instructor who's able to help. I am currently working on eating healthier but I'm doing great!
Finding my faith has been huge in my process of learning to cope. I've always been thankful for what I have but now it's even more so. I used to be agnostic due to bad experiences with religion when I was younger. But I started talking to a Muslim and began asking more and more questions on the religion. I understand a lot of people have misconceptions on the religion, I did too.
I love sitting out in the yard, listening to the birds, trees, etc., and thinking wow! Look at all this! How blessed am I! Despite what I am going through health wise, I have a home with a huge beautiful yard, and as a child I was what you'd call "free range".
I haven't tried yoga myself, but a lot of people find it helps with various health issues, physical and mental.

I am glad you have found faith. People often have misconceptions of different religions, Christianity included. My kids were required to take a world religion class in high school. I think that should be mandatory for all schools. They even went to visit different places of worship.

I also will sit outside, especially when camping, and be thankful and amazed at the wonderful creation around me. I just wish we as humans, would take better care of our planet.
Some days it's so bad I'm barely able to keep my head up, but I'm thankful cause it's made me slow down and really see the world.
I got into raising poultry because I wasn't getting outside as much. I love caring for them, but it can get tough. They seem to understand that I can't walk so well some days.
I have inside birds as well, including a newly rescued parrot. All of these things to keep me moving and active. As I said it can get tough, I understand some day I might not be able to care for them, but I have things arranged for most of my outside animals.
I've gotten some hate actually, for keeping animals while I have a disability, as some of my symptoms can be fatal so I guess people think I'm not going to be a long term owner or something.
I'm so sorry to hear that people are negative and judgmental about your decision to have animals while you are able to enjoy them! I am glad, though, to hear that they bring joy and meaning to your life. That's so silly of them! Who of us is guaranteed tomorrow? Nobody, that's who! By their reasoning, nobody should have children, because we might not live to finish raising them. Ridiculous! We should not get married, because one spouse might outlive the other. Absurd! Live each day as if it were your first, that's my motto. And turn a deaf ear to anybody not walking in your shoes. I once married a man who was living with leukemia, after asking the Lord about it. I said, "why should I do this? I have no future with this guy, he's dying." And the answer came back to me: "Nobody has a future. They only think they do." So I married him. A year or so later 9/11 happened. But we had another two years together before he died. And every day with him was a gift, because we knew we had to cherish every day. Cherish every day!
I'm so sorry to hear that people are negative and judgmental about your decision to have animals while you are able to enjoy them! I am glad, though, to hear that they bring joy and meaning to your life. That's so silly of them! Who of us is guaranteed tomorrow? Nobody, that's who! By their reasoning, nobody should have children, because we might not live to finish raising them. Ridiculous! We should not get married, because one spouse might outlive the other. Absurd! Live each day as if it were your first, that's my motto. And turn a deaf ear to anybody not walking in your shoes. I once married a man who was living with leukemia, after asking the Lord about it. I said, "why should I do this? I have no future with this guy, he's dying." And the answer came back to me: "Nobody has a future. They only think they do." So I married him. A year or so later 9/11 happened. But we had another two years together before he died. And every day with him was a gift, because we knew we had to cherish every day. Cherish every day!
Well said!
I'm so sorry to hear that people are negative and judgmental about your decision to have animals while you are able to enjoy them! I am glad, though, to hear that they bring joy and meaning to your life. That's so silly of them! Who of us is guaranteed tomorrow? Nobody, that's who! By their reasoning, nobody should have children, because we might not live to finish raising them. Ridiculous! We should not get married, because one spouse might outlive the other. Absurd! Live each day as if it were your first, that's my motto. And turn a deaf ear to anybody not walking in your shoes. I once married a man who was living with leukemia, after asking the Lord about it. I said, "why should I do this? I have no future with this guy, he's dying." And the answer came back to me: "Nobody has a future. They only think they do." So I married him. A year or so later 9/11 happened. But we had another two years together before he died. And every day with him was a gift, because we knew we had to cherish every day. Cherish every day!
Thank you! So well said.
I try and cherish every moment, every day. I'll definitely keep to living by this. Thank you again.
Sorry, there is no Biblical evidence to support this claim. There IS Scripture saying there will be animals in the resurrection and earth made new, and that they will not be carniverous. Isaiah 11:6 talks about the wolf dwelling with the lamb, the leopard lying down with the kid, the calf, the lion and the "fatling" being together and a little child leading them. Isaiah 65:25 also talks about the wolf and lamb eating together and the lion eating straw like the bullock, and says "they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." But nowhere does it say we shall be reunited with our special pets. However, we are told that we can't even begin to imagine the joys we shall experience there (Eph. 3:20) so many have inferred that of course our pets will be there if we want them.
Hi @BigBlueHen53 !, Do you think .just maybe ..the animals that are going to be in heaven will be are pets ? I mean if there's already gonna be animals there why not are pets !
Anyway even if they aren't there I think we'll be so happy it won't matter to us .
Hi @BigBlueHen53 !, Do you think .just maybe ..the animals that are going to be in heaven will be are pets ? I mean if there's already gonna be animals there why not are pets !
Anyway even if they aren't there I think we'll be so happy it won't matter to us .
Hi, @Crestcrazy! What I know is the Lord loves His children and wants us to be happy. I don't know what surprises He may have in store for us, but I know He will not withhold any good thing from us. What I am looking for, more than anything, is to see HIM, face to face! I want to hear His voice and thank Him for all the amazing things He has done for me in this life, things I certainly have not deserved. If He reunites me with my earthly pets, that would be amazing. If not, there will be new animals I can love in the new earth. I am especially looking forward to having a pet snow leopard there, and riding horses with Him. Can't wait! 😆
Check this out.
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But only if we accept Jesus as our Savior.

Please don't fight, I just wanted to share this. Thank you.
The Creation story, in its original translation, signifies that animals have souls, as do humans. Souls live on after the body dies. Human souls, after a time of judgement, return to inhabit an infant. Perhaps animal souls are the same.
I had a dog, one time after she had passed away, I had a dream she was lying on my bed as she always did. She stood on the bed and walked in a circle when she saw me, happy to see me. I told her I loved her and she was a good girl. In my dream I could smell her, and when I woke up, I could still smell her.

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