Willing to pay big $$$$$


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
For someone to do the grocery shopping for me today!

It has got to be my least favorite chore - yes it is a chore!

I'm considering ordering our meat online, from grass fed animals, but there still leaves the matter of fruits and veggies.

Don't forget the dog food while you're there.
Nope. Not going to do it. You would post all over here how I messed up when the real problem was that your instructions were not clear. I love my wife dearly and will put up with it from her, but much as I like you, I am not putting up with it from you!

Buckle up and do it or plant a garden and orchard!!!!
Got the orchard, planning on a garden in the spring - with or without DH's help. He talks a good game - "we can keep the cows out of the garden if we put some barbed wire here and here", yada, yada, yada; but I'm actually going to do it. I'll buy every livestock panel the co-op has if I have to, but the dang cows will stay out of the garden.

I won't complain if you do it for me Ridge, I promise. Just don't forget the "TT" and the dog food, pahleeze!
Keeping cows out is easy compared to keeping chickens out. This may come as a shock but barbed wire does not work real well with chickens.

I'd consider it but I need to go to the dentist to get a cavity filled. Yeah, I still have some of my own teeth. I might as well do the things I enjoy more in my old age.
That's exactly what I've told DH when he goes off on one of his long dissertations about how he has all this barbed wire laying around - it won't keep chickens out. Even 5 ft. tall livestock panels is not going to be much of a challenge for my younger flock of flyers.

I need to go to the dentist too, for an extraction. Been putting that off too....for about 6 months now.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove to grocery shop! I'll do it for you gritty girl!
Me too!

Just be exact in brand name, sizes and how many and I am good to go. If they are on sale, I'll pick those up too!

Dog foods, no problem......be sure you got chicken feed!

These type of services are getting to be popular with elderly people. Cheaper than taxi? I don't know.
Taxis? I haven't seen a taxi since I lived in Miami (the early 80s). Around here they wrangle all the old folks (of which I am NOT one, yet) up once a week to take them grocery shopping. Not a day you want to be in the local walmart, trust me.

I'm spoiled. I'm used to DH going with me and carrying the groceries in when we get home, but he's working a 7 day week.
Okay, here's the card (belongs to DH, so have fun!). Just get whatever you feel; I'm not picky. Just don't forget the dog food and the TT.

The chickens are good for the next month or so, I took care of that yesterday.

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